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I had been dreading lunch from the moment I found out Niall wasn't gonna be there.

I was unsure if I was still allowed to sit at the popular table. I didn't exactly fit in. All the girls were blonde and smelt like either bubblegum or popcorn. The boys all wore football jackets and smelt too strongly of Axe body spray. I thought of Harry, his strong fragrent colonge, hiding a smell different from smoke


Harry smelt like cigars and clean laundrey and shampoo and mint. Along with whatever colonge he was wearing. But then I remembered what he had said too me, judging me before he even knew me, and he instantly lost his charm.

I walked into the cafeteria, standing awkwardly, unsure of where to sit. One of the few brown haired cheerleaders waved over for me to come sit down.

I sit down next to her, and I'm surprised by how nice she is. We talk about Niall, him probably being the only thing we have in common. I find out that they have known each other for a long time, and even tried dating once. It didn't work out, but they still remained close friends. She asks how I met him and I tell her the story. Then I ask her if she knows Harry.

"Harry... Harry Styles?"

She continues "I know of him. Then again everybody does." Almost on cue, Harry walked in, sitting at a his table alone. I stare at him.

"What's his story?" I ask.

"Stay away from him. Period."


"Well rumor has it he killed somebody last year,"

"Seriously?" I figured Harry was bad but not insane.

"Yeah. By the way I'm Carly" She laughed, lightening the mood.


"So why the interest in Harry?" She asks.

I look over to where Harry is sitting and am surprised to see he's looking at me. My face instantly turns red, and I give him a small wave. He raises his hand to wave back but instead,

He flips me off.

"Well he sits next to me in one of my classes but he's a total dick."

"He talked to you? Harry never talks to anyone."

"All he did was tell me I'm ugly and point out my flaws,"

She shrugs "Still counts,"

Harry doesn't talk to anyone? I snuck a quick glance over to him, only to find him still looking at me.

This time, I don't hesitate to look away.


The rest of the day goes slowly, but eventually I find myself standing in the rain, wondering how I'll ever get home. I don't want to disturb Niall, I knew that if I wasn't feeling well, I wouldn't want to haul myself out of bed just to drive somebody such a short distance. I consider walking, but the rain shows no sign of clearing, and continues to soak me despite my umbrella. My thoughts are interrupted as a black Jeep pulls up. To my surprise Harry rolls down his window. My pulse quickens at the thought of what Carly told me earlier.

"Why are you just standing there?"

"I don't have a ride."

"That sucks." he says and begins to drive away. I stare opened mouthed. That's low even for Harry.

But he stops, and I sigh in relief.

"Get in," he says almost annoyed.

I enter casually, sitting down in the black leather seats. His car smells strongly of cigars, but theres a hint of mint somewhere. There are stacks upon stacks of CD's laying at my feet. I recognize almost none of the bands, because they all look very heavy metal. The radio is purposely too loud, so that I can't start a conversation with him. I try to turn it down but he smacks my hand away.

"Don't touch my car" he says, turning the volume up even louder then before.

"You don't know where I live."

He groans in annoyance as I tell him my address. He types it into his phone before turning the music up again. 

The rumor Carly told me slowly sneaks into my mind, giving me chills. If anybody were to kill anybody at this school, it would be Harry. 

As we turn into my neighborhood, Harry looks confused, checking his phone.

"This is the right place," I assure him.

We pull into my house, and Harry looks even more confused then before, staring at my tiny exuse for a house.

"Suprised?" I ask him. "Guess I'm not who you thought I was."

I grab my backpack and exit his car, walking up the steps too my front door. Rain pours down onto my hair, and I'm soaked within 10 seconds. To my suprise Harry follows.

I lift up doormat to get the key, but it isn't there.

"Great." I mutter.

I quickly diall my brothers number, and he picks up after four rings.

"Hello?" he asks

"Ryan wheres the key to the house?" 

"Isn't it under the mat?"

Im dripping with water, and my clothes are sticking close to my body in a way I'm not sure I want Harry too see. 

"No it's not," 

"Damnit. I must have brought it inside for some reason."

"Ryan I'm alone and I can't get into the house."

"I know I know. Can't you just hang out at a coffee shop or something? Till I get back?"

"I'll check the door outback." I say before hanging up.

"Who's that?" askes Harry. I almost forgot he was behind me.

"My brother." I say over the howling of the wind.

I begin too walk outback but Harry continues too follow me.

"What?" I ask him, turning around.

"I just want to make sure you get inside." he says. What is with him?

"So now your decent?" I question.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks. It takes all my effort too not look at his tight tee shirt clinging too his torso.

"Your a dick to me all day but then its important to make sure I get inside?" 

"Uh yeah thats kinda how life works."

I try the doors outside and luckily one of them opens. 

"Thank god," I mummer 

Harry is looking at me again, and I hope hes not looking at my skintight tee shirt.

"Thanks for the ride I guess." I say

"Yeah whatever," he grumbles and walk away.

I shut the door and lock it. Sliding my back against the door, I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding. 

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