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Hello! (My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!)

Um, sorry about that. 😬

Anyway...this is the story of how I died. 

Okay, I need to stop with the references. 

Sorry, I haven't had second breakfast yet, so I'm a little...mad. But all the best people are -- aaahhh!! 

Ergh! Dammit, Cas!


This is a book full of writing advice from me, your friendly neighborhood aspiring author who probably isn't advanced enough to even make a book like this. But, *cue T'Challa voice* I don't care.

And rants, don't forget the rants. I love me some ranting! Because if I don't wike it, you're gonna know I Don't Wike It.

Actually, this book is probably going to be more ranting than advice. But whatever.

Hopefully, this will be helpful, and if not, entertaining, at least. Though my humor seems to be a bit weird and most people don't get it. But who cares, right?

Also, this isn't meant to target any specific book, or to offend anyone. It's just dumb crap I write and rant about when I'm bored. And also, it focuses mainly (if not completely) on Wattpad cliches and whatnot.

But anyway, I'm just gonna go simply walk into Mordor like a boss and not do the whole apocalypse thing because, screw destiny!

May the force be with you, the odds be ever in your favor, and also: kids, don't make horcruxes. 

Live long and prosper. 🖖

I Don't Wike It: The Cliches and Sterotypes of WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now