chap 12

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I walked up to my class not wanting to create more problems.

I reached my class and slumped on the last bench leaving a frustrated sigh.

I felt exhausted all of a sudden.

Yeah...mental breakdown could get you all tired and exhausted.

Takshil came and sat next to me.

And soon Kavya joined us on the seat ahead this time.

The teacher came in the class and the class went all silent.

She stared with some chapter in history about some revolution.

We had two lectures back to back with the same teacher.

I was least bit interested to pay any attention.

My mind was already into an overdrive for many things.

Suddenly somebody's phone vibrated and so did the desk.

But I dint pay much attention.

The time was passing slowly but fast at the same time.

The bell rang signalling the first lecture was over.But we had another lecture now with the same teacher so she continued with her revolution.

After some time again the desk vibrated showing again someone's phone was buzzing.

It was Takshil's phone this time.

He read the message and a look of panic was plastered on his face.

What happen to get him in all panic mode? I asked my self.

"What happen bro?" I immediately asked instead of second guessing.

"Dude! Ummm....Actually kitty is missing..." he said in an unsure tone.

WHAT THE HELL? What was that suppose to mean?

"What do you mean dude? What do you mean she is missing?" I all but exasperated but kept my voice low to not attract attention.

But Kavya turned around with a confused look.

he then whispered, " Hey man, your girl is crazy playing 'hide and seek' in the school! our girls cant find them." he made air quotes around hide and seek.

"What the fucking hell is going on?" I whispered in the same tone as Kavya's.

"Man, check your phone, it has been vibrating since when." Takshil said this time.

what was he talking about. I dint even realize it vibrating all the while.

I checked it and sure there were 2 voicemails, 3 missed calls and 3 messages.

Wooow.... I might be seriously engrossed in my thoughts to not notice any of this.

Missed calls and voicemails were from Snehi and Taani.

And messages were from them again.

I kept wondering what was going on?

I scrolled down to read the messages.

The first message was;

Is kitty with you? I have been calling her since when. Ask her to answer them.

The second one was;

Do you know where kitty is? Ask her to come upto the class fast, the teacher will be coming soon.

The third one was:

What the fuck bro! kitty is not in the school, we checked the whole school, she isn't there anywhere.

Did she tell you anything before leaving?

The last one was from Taani.

I look up to see Takshil and Kavya staring at me with a confused look.

I mouthed to them I don't know.

I was worried now.

What happen all of a sudden? How is she missing and why wasn't she answering the calls?

"I was just chatting with the Snehi and she told me they have been continuously calling and texting her but she is not replying or answering to anything." Takshil informed us.

"Yeah...even Taani told me they have been going crazy looking for her since last half an hour. They bunked the last lecture to go and find her." Kavya added sounding concerned.

"They thought of checking at her place once school is finish. And I agreed to tag along." Takshil said.

"Okay bro, I am in." Kavya second that statement.

I was still confused as hell at what was going on.

Everything was fine till the morning.Then this girl overthinks and stresses herself and everybody around her. Then we have a stupid fight not verbally but still a stupid fight. And now this girl goes missing.


Knowing her, she might have just skipped the rest of the school and gone home if she was bored of lectures or sleepy, since we hadn't slept well last night.

'But why isn't she answering the calls and messages.And she was never the irresponsible one who would just leave without informing and worry us sick here.'

The small voice in the back of my head told me.

She may have fallen asleep and nobody from her family was home today.

So she might be hibernating in her room.

She will call up ones she is fresh after her sleep.I thought.

"Guys! calm down" I said in a whisper but got their attention.

They had been texting and calling, probably they were calling Akshi.

"She dint sleep well last night, and might have just bunked school to sleep and since she is sleeping she is not answering the texts and the calls." I whispered to both the boys and relief washed their faces.

I rolled my eyes at that. As if my girl was dumb enough to go to a park to bunk school and not answer the calls to avoid us and worry us sick.NO. My girl was super cool to even bother anybody in anyway.

And I LOVED her.

I just loved Akshi and I will show her that on her birthday.

A smiled at that thought.

Takshil gave me a questioning look seeing my award winning smile.

But I just waved it off.

Woow...I was acting like the whipped pussy I was.

REALITY- a goofed up nightmare ( nanowrimo13)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu