chap 13

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After school I had my dance routine practice so I left the boys to check on Akshi.

They assured me to give me a detailed version of what was up with her to randomly-leave-school-in-the-middle.

I gave both the boys our man hugs and turned down the hallway to reach the gym room where we rehearsed every time.

I met Taani on my way to the gym room.She was a lil pissed and worried at the same time. Though she was my cousin, we were really close and I could read the expressions she had.

I knew she was worried and Akshi was the sole reason.

"Hey sis! wassup!" I asked to make a light conversation.

She just nodded in response.

That was weird. She would generally come back with a smartass comment.

But I didn't push the matter more.

She would eventually tell me. Yeah...we always share things or rather gossip about things.

"I will meet ya soon baby." I gave her those brotherly bear hug and kissed her forehead.

I reached the gym room and we quickly started our routine.

The competition was in a week and apparently I had some spectators this time.

"Guys..we are going to have extra hours of practice from today since we don't have much of time left." the choreographer told us.

There were many awww and NOOs and stuffs like that.

But I was fine with it. I knew we had to win this and it was important for for college and career as well.

I called my mom and informed her about the extended routine and she agreed but made me promise to come home as soon as practises are over and then went on and on about reminding me of my punishment that was being grounded for four days and stuff.

I was getting irritated why couldn't she leave that part of blabber for home.It was not that I was gonna spend my entire life in this room.She would be seeing in what 3 hours. Mad Women.

I tossed my phone aside near my bag and started with the practice.

After about an hour we were all exhausted and got a break for 15 minutes and I thought of calling Akshi, but then at that very moment my battery went off.

I was Sooo lucky, right? (note the sarcasm)

we finished the practice and it was late evening around 6.p.m.

I went upto my car quickly to use the charger that was in my car to charge my phone a bit and talk to my girl.

But again luck was not in my favor. I couldn't find it.

I drove home fast to just call Akshi. I wanted to ask her so many things.

Was she ill or just left to get her beauty sleep or was she angry at me?

Above all I wanted to apologize for being rude to her.

I reached home to find my dads car in the driveway.

Was luck completely against me today?

I was not very close to my dad.

He always wanted an ideal son to handle his empower and make him feel proud all the time.

My brother was exactly what he wanted.

And I was the complete opposite. So we didn't really gel much or get along in other words.

I was sure mom would tell him about my stupid irresponsible behaviour or grades and punishments and all and I was about to take a blow from my dad.

I prepared my mind for the some serious and boring at the same time and let me tell you the same recorded lecture.

I walked through the lounge to the stairs to go up to my room when mom came up giving me a disapproving look.

"hello kid!" my dad called from the kitchen from where mom had just come, there was a tinch of anger in his voice which confirmed my suspicion of getting a long boring lecture.

"hey dad!" I replied in an overly cheerful way.

"So, we have some serious talking to do." that is what he generally said before the lecture.

"oh okay!" I said in an unsure way and followed him in the dinning room.

After what felt like ages but was merely 50 minutes, dad asked me to freshen up and join him for dinner.

I went upto my room grumbly for being lectured again for nothing in particular.

My family was seriously crazy. No offence, I did love my family, but mom was a weirdo and dad was extra particular and disciplined for my liking.

But he loved me a lot and I did the same.

Infact I was a complete daddy's boy in everyway.

I was another photocopy of his in appearance and attitude.

Not in the business brains or seriousness of life though.That part was inherited by my brother who was a complete mommy's boy.

I went upto my room and plug my phone to charge.

After that I took my clean pjs and entered the bathroom for a warm relaxing shower.

While enjoying the warm shower I kept thinking about Akshi.

That reminded me to call her.

For once I thought about giving her a surprise and climbing up her room again, because like the wuss I was, I was missing her.

we couldn't even talk much today.

But then decided against it.Today was a Friday and the weekends were always for the family and then friends.

I made it to the kitchen about time the dinner was being served.

I was down in like 15 minutes

Dad gave me an appraisive look.

I returned it with a smug smile.

Dad was back to the playful side and we were all together enjoying the dinner.

I mean me, mom and dad.

Shabd had gone to a party since it was Friday night.

oh..sorry, Shabd is my ideal brother.

And Tanni was....

Wait, where is Taani?

"Mom...where is Taani?" I asked my mother.

"oh she is at a friends place. She had called just before you came home and informed saying she was gonna stay there the night." mom replied.

"She was asking for you though."

Me? Why what was it? "

"I don't know. Even I asked her the same but she just told me that your phone was switched off and that's it." mom said shrugging it off.

That was weird. Why did Taani call me?

Was Akshi alright?

I finished dinner fast and sprinted to my room.

I called Akshi the first thing when my screen lit up indicating the phone was on now.

I called Akshi but her phone was switched off.

The next I called Taani. Again. Her mobile was also off.

What the freaking shit. I thought. Then I called Kavya to know what was going on.

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