chap 37

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It was soon the time to leave, i never wanted to leave this place. This was the place where i found everything that could make me happy.

My sister was excited and blissfully happy.

We climbed into the bus holding Akshi's hand, and this time i didn't have to drag her onto my lap.

She just sat on my lap as if it was the most normal thing to do.

I had a bruise form on my knee with all the night games and all, but i wasn't going to complain one bit.

She made herself comfortable on my lap and hugged me tight.

She rested her head on my shoulder nuzzling my neck and after some time her breathing was even which told me she was asleep.

I rested my head over her head, wrapping my arms tighly but comfortably around her, holding her in place so she couldn't slip because of the uneven road and welcomed the sleep that my tiring body was craving for.

Takshil was to drop Snehi and Kavya at home, and i was taking Akshi and Taani.

Taani was sleeping in the back seat and Akshi was in the passenger seat holding my hand in one of hers.

I parked a few blocks away this time, instead of the next lane. She was too tired to walk so much.

I got out of the car helping her with her bag.

I kissed her forehead and hugged her tight one last time before letting her go.

"Are you sure, you don't want me to come? i can drop Taani home change, have dinner and come back." I asked.

she gave me one of her cute adoring smiles and replied, "No Aarsh, i will be missing you too, but you need to be with your parwnts for today, your dad leaves for another business trip tommorrow and i want you to spend some time with your family.

We are meeting tomorrow in school anyway, so it is okay."

i loved her so much...

"I love you dodo." i smiled at her.

" i love you more hippie." she said grinning now.

"I will never get tired of hearing this." i said grinning widely showing my perfect set of teeth.

"What are you doing with this boy here?" I heard a man growl.I knew her dad, that definitely wasn't her dad.

"Kaka?" she said unsure.

Kaka means dad's brother in India.And since she had a joint family everybody stayed here. Man she did have a huge family. Seems nobody knew about birth control in their house.

'Deviating here Aarsh.' i scold myself agin.

"I am.... Kaka i had nobody to drop me, and...and he offered a ride, so i ..umm...accepted" before she could explain further say anything more there was a loud slapping noise ragging into my ears.

I pushed him hard and shoved him on the road.

"You touch her like that again and my fists will talk to you?" I was red with anger.

I didn't care if he was her uncle, nobody had the right to slap her.

"This is what you are, a thug. Akshi, you still date him? This is what you thonk is good for you life? A delinquent?" he sneered.

He might have been tough in his days, but man! he was aging and wasn't a threat to me.

"You can't talk about him like that." Akshi countered. She was defending me? Wow i love this girl more and more, if that's even possible.

"Akshi, its okay." i tried to calm her.

"No it is not, he can't be rude to you when he doesn't even know you." she argued back.

In the meanwhile his uncled called her dad and there was a huge family drama.

My parents were called in too to take me home and were threatened that if i came anywhere near their girl, they would call the police.

I didn't give a shit about any of this.

REALITY- a goofed up nightmare ( nanowrimo13)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora