chap 11

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Takshil had seen the awkward conversation that we had.

It seemed that he was about to ask me shit load of questions.

But I was in bad mood to even acknowledge him.

What had I done?

How could I be a scumbag to my girl?

I mean she did ask for it by getting our families in the picture for NO reason.

What was wrong with me?

Akshi got up and was about to hug me I don't know I was just so pissed, probably with myself as well.

But without another word or a peek in her direction I just left.

I was just ignoring her, I heck wanted to ignore everybody.

I was being a jerk but I dint know what was happening?

I was in love with a girl who may never accept me that way and I was in a denial mode.

I was just so freaking confused.

I had no sense of comprehension left.

I just wanted to leave.And that is what I did next leave the chemistry lab.

I wanted sometime alone to clear things out in my head.

But the more rational part told me that if I left school I will get in trouble for bunking school in my senior year and then again a new punishment from mom.

But I kept walking and wasn't even aware of where I was going.

I kept walking in a leisurely pace my thoughts entangled in their accord.

"Aarsh what are you doing here?" I heard Akshi ask.

I turned and sighed.

This was so not the time nor the place to have this conversation.

"What's the big deal?" I asked more rudely than I intend it to sound.

There was a look of hurt in her eyes.

Immediately I felt like smacking myself on my forehead but I resisted the urge to do it.

AGAIN! what was I upto?

I don't know what is happening.

Why am I such a mess?

Suck it up dude, grow a pair and just man up already!

And suddenly in a very harsh way Akshi replied.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you angry at me? What have I done?"

"Listen, I have to go now, I am getting late." I said and turned around to leave before I made a fool of myself.

She caught my arm to stop me and talk, but I just jerked it away.

"Don't" I said and turned on my heels before blurting my feelings and scaring the living shit out of her.

I maybe overreacting but what can I say, I was acting like a pussy.

REALITY- a goofed up nightmare ( nanowrimo13)Where stories live. Discover now