chap 16

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I am in my room getting ready for the trip to mall.

Aarsh left an hour ago. I made him his favourite cheese corn bhel.That is something really popular in Mumbai.

And that is something I am really good at cooking.

I had around 30 mins left to get ready before Snehi came in to pick me.

We were all going to the mall.

Kavya was to pick Aarsh and Taani.

We all six together were a ball of pranks and fun.

Snehi came in before time but I was never the one to  take  hours to get ready.

I was in my casuals. Dark skinny jeans and a simple blue shirt with some accessories and flip-flops.

We all reached the mall and wandering to find something good to shop for.

Takshil wanted some t-shirts for himself and Taani wanted a dress with a pair of heels for the party she was to attend on Tuesday.

I was not keen on shopping but Aarsh was firm on spending for anything and everything or something at least.

These were his words actually.

We finally found Taani a beautiful dark cobalt blue dress with full sleeves and sequences all over the dress. It wasn't very shiny but a perfect one for a party.

We found her matching heels and some accessories as well.

Even Kavya found something matching his girl's outfit.

They were the defination of cheesiness.

They were the perfect lovey-dovey couple one could ever imagine.

I still had to buy myself something. But I couldn't find anything that would make me buy it that very instant.

And I knew Aarsh was running out of his pocket money. So if I spend his money it will be difficult for him to shop for his event next week and my birthday was due soon so he would be needing the money.

We were now heading to the cafe to eat and chill up for sometime before finding something for the rest of us.

We were walking through a shop which had this black theme on.

And a smart Black shirt caught my eye.

"Hey Aarsh! can I borrow your credit card." I asked him, knowing he would be all glad that I will be spending his money.

I never understood that crazy idea. Why was he always so keen and happy about me spending his money.

And on the contrary, I always hated the fact that somebody had to spend money on me. I was a grown up girl with enough pocket money to pay for my expenses.

Never mind.

Aarsh gave me his card and I asked him to follow the rest of our friends and I would soon join them.

I went in the shop and without wandering much or thinking much I took the black shirt I was looking for and asked the salesman there to get me an XL size.

I paid for the shirt and asked him to wrap it in a gift wrap. So that nobody could know what was that I bought.And then I  left the shop before any of my friends came in to find me.

I reached the cafe and spotted them right away.

I sat between Aarsh and Snehi, since that was the only seat left.

"So guys! What are we eating?" I asked in generally to everybody.

"Your lover boy already ordered a cheese grill sandwich with extra cheese and no tomato ketchup." Kavya mocked in a teasing tone especially on the description of the sandwich.

That earned him a punch on the arm from Aarsh.

"Bad doggy! behave" Aarsh told Kavya smirking at him.

"You know what did YOUR lover pussy wuss do?" directing the question to Taani, who just raised her brows in confusion.

"You are so going down, if you open your mouth." Kavya threatened him.

Making everybody snicker at his futile attempt and him to scowl.

But none the less we drop the topic there.

"So what did you get kitty?" Taani asked me.

"Nothing really great." I tried to shrug it off.

"If its nothing great, why is it gift wrapped?" Snehi asked this time smirking my way. She knew me well enough to know that I didn't want anybody to know the gift and that is why it was wrapped.

I gave her a close mouth smile and a look that is shut-up-or-you-are-screwed.

But everybody was staring at me and I had to come back with an excuse, I had to think of something. And think fast.

"Umhhmmm... its just a gift for someone. I had to buy something anyway so I just liked it and bought it." I tried shrugging and dismissing the matter.

"But what is it? And for whom?" This time it was Aarsh who asked and with a very evident frown.

"Awwww...someone is jealous" Takshil and Kavya teased him at the same time.

But Aarsh just gave me a puppy dog face and pouted.

" cuuutteeeee" This time it was Taani.

Aarsh was never gonna hear the end of this. Everybody was gonna tease the crap outta him.

I still didn't want my friends to know because that gift was for Aarsh and I wanted him to see it first AND not in front of everybody.

Yeah...I was stupidly weird that way.

So I thought of texting him to stop him from whining.

Hippie, the gift is for you.

I want you to see the gift when you are alone.

please stop your whining.

He read the message and gave me a huge smile.

His smile was contagious and I always fell for it and smiled back.

Snehi noticed our little silent conversation and was about to come up with a shady comment when Kavya came up with a game.

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