chap 34

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It was friday today and we were all ready to leave for the trip.

The entire senior section was allowed after paying the trip money and signed forms from parents.

So We six were planning for a blast.

We were standing behind the bus waiting for the man to load our bags and tents in the the back of the bus.

After loading our bags, I took Akshi's hand and lead her to the bus. I took a seat near the window and dragged her along. she slid besides me and took a seat.

Everybody started filling the seats in the bus.

Kavya and Taani were sitting in the seat ahead of us.

Snehi took a seat behind us with a girl, who seemed to be their classmate.

By the time Takshil got in the bus, the seats were full, he would have to take the next bus in order to get a seat.

So i pulled Akshi on my lap and asked Takshil to take that seat.

I was going to make the most of this trip with Akshi.

I was planning on telling how her madly in love i was.

How i loved her from the bottom of my heart.

She was uncomfortable initially, since there were a lot of people around. And she was the one who never liked to be the center of attraction.

But after a while she settled herself on my lap.

Taani and Kavya turned in their seat to face us, and Snehi amd her friend joined us soon.

We played a few games, we sang songs, and the stupid teasing and pulling of leg was a constant thing.

The bogs kept giving me suggestive looks.

But i didn't give a shit to that. I loved having Akshi this close. My arms around her tiny waist fit there perfectly.

I kept stealing little kisses when i could.

I hugged her tightly every now and then.

It was now that i realised she was the only thing important to me.

I would do anything to have her in my life forever.

i would do anytuing to keep her safe and happy.

I knew i was in love with her, now i just had to make her realise that she loved me back too.

because when she got a chance, she would peck me on my cheeks and forehead every now and then.

She had her arm around my neck the entire time.

After a while, we all were tired and settled back in our seat.

Akshi nuzzled her head into the croock of my neck and ended up sleeping calmly.

I kept staring at her sleeping figure with my arms around her waist holding her there.

I know that sounds creepy, but i was a goner now.

I was in love with her.

And nothing logical ever made sense.

We reached the camping area after Four and a half hours, the travelling was fun, obviously, having Akshi on my lap and nuzzling my neck to fall asleep had to be fun.

"Dodo, we are here sweetie." I whispered to wake her up.

Everytime when i was sleeping cuddling her, she was the one to wake me.

But this time, for the first time i got to see her wake.

She rubbed her eyes and face with her hands and smiled at me, her smile was contagious.

She looked so naive and beautiful with her sleepy eyes.

She was still sleepy, so i took her hand and led her out of the bus, to the back of the bus, to take our bags and tents.

I carried her bags for her, she onsisted on carrying herslf, but it was so light that i didn't mind it.

REALITY- a goofed up nightmare ( nanowrimo13)Where stories live. Discover now