chap 46

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Tommorow is finally the last day of exams and then i will not have to face him.

I wanted to see him, talk to him so desperately, but at the same time, i did have the strength in me to face him. I didn't have that odacity to look him into his eyes and talk.

Because everytime i did that, i ended up realizing the damaga i had done to that boy.

I was a messed up bitch.

I had ruined his hapiness for my sichk twisted reasons. The ones happy go lucky guy, the one who was full of life was a lifeless zombie now.

And it was all my fault.

With these thoughts i slept into the dreamy la la land.

Again kanish came in to drop me to school before heading for his work.

He wished me luck and lefte at the school gate.

The moment Kanish left, Takshil came up to talk to me.

"Kitty can we please talk?" he asked me pleading with his eyes.

"Before i could reply, he cut me.

Today is the last exam for you, then we may not even get a chance to meet you, please dont deny it, you know what i mean to say and that, lets just accept, is a fact" he stated as a matter of fact.

I knew he was right, we would probably never meet again. I would cut myself from everybody who reminded me of Aarsh and certainly he would do the same.

And what was the harm in talking, We all had been great friends, i could let others down because of my whimsical train of thinking.

"Okay." i agreed reluctantly.

"Okay then, after exams meet us in the canteen." He replied and wished me luck.

He gave me one last hug and left for his exam too.

I sat in my seat, ready for the paper.

Students started coming in and the class bell rang for the exam to start.

None of the exams were difficult for me. I had studied my butt off.

So i finished the paper before time.

Taani...well didn't know much in the paper so she finished early too.

We both headed up to the canteen ordering ourself coke and sat at a table in the canteen waiting for the rest to come.

Takshil came in with Snehi saying they both banged into each otrher outside canteen.

I raised my eyebrow at Snehi challenging her to lie.

I knew something was fishy about them since the start.

Snehi just blushed and averted her gaze.

I smirked knowing i was right.

Kavya came in, sitting with Taani and chatting easily about the paper ahe just wrote.

My eyes were searching all around the canteen for those two vey similar pair of  eyes, but i couldn't find them.

Aarsh wasn't with us, i felt dissapointment wash through me.

Another reason to feel guilty and shattered about.

Aarsh has to miss his time with his friends to keep distnce from me.

I didn't want that.

I talked for a while, or rather answered a few silly questions about the exams and then excused myself to leave for the washroom.

I had to leave to let Aarsh have fun. I already ruined his life once, i couldn't let him give up on his friends because of me.

But when i reached the front gate, i reaslised something was missing.

And then it striked me, that my mobile phone was missing.

I might have forgotten that in the canteen.

I started walking to the canteen still looking around for Aarsh.

I found nothing, in fact there were a few people giving me weird looks and some showed pity.

I didn't want that. I ws not at the mercy of any of these bimbos.

I reached the canteen and saw Aarsh at the same table where our friends were sitting.

He had my mobile in his hand and was smiling at something.

But that is when his dance partner...,

What was her name again?


Yes, Siddhi came up from behind him and wrapped her arms around him.

I was broken and shattered that very second. Flakes of betrayal were all over and i couldn't accept the fact that it wasn't even a month and Aarsh had moved on.

I might have not been that important to him if he could move on so fast.

I was swallowing my self in guilt of hurting someone so bad, and he didn't care a bit.

REALITY- a goofed up nightmare ( nanowrimo13)Where stories live. Discover now