chap 10

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"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Nothing, well I don't know I mean?" he said in a confused tone.

"What are you guys talking about?" Takshil added joining the conversation.

the teacher was done with her class by now and was leaving ten minutes before the lecture ended.

"I just got a message from Taani and its weird.

Its about kitty actually.

So I thought Aarsh and kitty had a fight or an argument or something? I don't know" Kavya said shrugging it.

Whats the message?" I asked.

Kavya passed his phone to me.

Hey baby!

chemistry lab now. emergency.

Kitty is low and stressed.


I frowned reading it.

She was fine till the morning. what happen in like 2 hours?

Maybe something in the class got her upset.

"Okay I will leave, see ya later." I said getting up.

Kavya and Takshil exchanged looks.

"Wait! We are also coming?" Takshil said packing his books too.

No, its fine. I will go and sort it out. do t bunk lectures for no reason. We surely don't want a bad remark this semester. We have had enough man" I said remembering the detention we have already had.

"You think I will miss a chance to see my girl?" Kavya said winking at me and packed his bag too.

That guy was so whipped. I smiled at them and we left the class quickly before the next teacher came in.

We entered the chemistry lab and went straight to the end of the class behind the benches.

This was generally a meeting place for our gang.

The girls told us everything.

And the first reaction we got was from Kavya who was laughing his ass out.

"Are you seriously stressed over something like this?

You are just too cute." Kavya said between his laughs.

"Shut up bro! youre not teasing my girl now." I tried saying it seriously but amusement was clear in my voice.

How can she be stress over something like this?

Was she was real? She was just so adorable and she did respect elders but being scared of them even when you haven't done anything wrong is just madness.

Brother you really have an AWEsome taste in girls." Kavya said with a sly smile.

I knew what he meant.

I always teased the hell out of him about the clingy and make up dolls that he use to date, I never missed a chance to rub it in his face and now it was his turn for payback.

Because my girl was actually being silly right now.

I scowled at him.

And now even Takshil who was desperately holding his laugh burst up.

He knew what was going on.

He knew that it was Kavya's turn for payback.

But I gave them a stern look and gave them a nod which meant we-will-deal-this-later.

"And thats It.! if you don't stop making fun of my kitty you are so not getting any for a week." Taani told Kavya cutting the silent conversation that we were having.

Kavya was shut in like seconds.

He was pouting and gave Taani a puppy dog face.

I suppressed the urge of laughing out loud and Takshil just rolled his eyes.

"Dodo, you just don't need to worry, I am not postponing our date and the grounded thingy..its not even an issue..When have I ever followed punishments?

I don't do well with authority.

you know that don't you.? I said grinning wickedly knowing that my girl did get what I was implying on because she knew me well.

And I knew exactly what my mom's reaction would be about my craziness.

Akshi was blushing now and I was loving the tease.

  Takshil started snickering and Kavya joined in soon.

"But Aarsh! your mom will be very pissed if we go for a date." she said trying to convince with her cute eyes boring into mine.

"She wont know that we are on a date" I simply stated as a matter of fact.

Why was she making Big deal out of it.

She always thought about my mom and her family before us.

That did annoy me. I mean come on, we were like teens and we are suppose to be immature, and My! We were just turning eighteen, still very young to bother about what our families think.

We couldn't always give upon our plans for them.

"I meant if she comes home and finds you missing at home, she will definitely put two and two together and will know we are on a date. She doesn't have to be a genius to know that you always break her rules for Me." she replied.

"Oh come on! Thats my problem to sort..I really appreciate that you are caring about me but seriously, I am a big boy and I CAN handle my problems" now I got irritated.

Why did she always have to bring in our families between us?

Were families always that important to sacrifice on our happiness?

And a family who dint give a shit about our relationship.

They always tried breaking us up.

Why would I even think about them when I was happy doing what I wanted.

Then it was like a light in my brain.

She thought about everybody before me because she just saw me as a date.

She loved her family whereas she only likes me as her boyfriend.

And I loved her.

My heart was broken all over again.

For me, she was before everyone else because I loved her.

Disappointment washed through me.

"Hey dude that was rude. She was just looking out for you." Takshil said.

"No no! Its okay, no worries. I did over react." Akshi said trying to act cool about it.

But I knew she felt bad.

It was evident enough on her face.

I wanted to apologize but I just couldnt get the words out.

I felt like crap now.

"Lets all get back to the class, we don't want to miss the next class, now do we?" she continued getting up avoiding any eye contact with me.

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