REALITY- a goofed up nightmare

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You're the best thing,

That ever happen to me,

Nothing beyond your wishes,

No dreams seem to please me.

Your smile is all I await,

Your success is all I wish,

Being in your arms forever,

Is the last of my death wish.

Waking up every morning,

Cuddling in your arms,

Seeing the sunrise together,

Nothing more could ever charm.

Sharing every moment,

All thoughts throughout the day,

Spending every hour,

Along your side all day.

Your memories is all I cherish,

Your words haun,t me all while,

Your pranks amuse me always,

All I dream is your smile.

I wish my last breathe,

Is tight within your arms,

The last thing I see,

Is your eyes deep and warm.

I was out of words after reading this..., was this for real...??

I mean come on...I did like this really really like him...we were together for almost 2 years of the most popular couples of high school...

We were given a name as a well


AAR from Aarsh and AKSHI from mine.

My name was too short to shorten it more anyway.

But this....this poem totally blew any AWE-SOME gift that he was planning for me.

Okay so lets get this clear...right now I am stalking my boyfriends laptop to get any hint on my birthday present. I came here after school to get some idea about my birthday planning since he was in school for some dance practice.

Well...thats kinda BBBBBaaaddddd and mean to ruin his surprise...but what can I say...I was curious..!

And while stalking...I happen to click on this folder that says "FOR MY LOVE"

And I know this boy might have taken ages to write this because lets just say, this guy sucks at rhyme.

But this is just toooo good...I love writing...well writing is my hobby and all...but this...this poem is just pure and simple WOOWWW!!!!

I am just so glad that this guy is totally and utterly mine.

I just love the fact that I have someone who thinks I am this special to him,

Like I belong to him, like I am needed, like I matter.

He is always there for me so selflessly, so whole heartily that I sometimes think all this is just a dream..and I will be out of it soon.

All this is just so good to be true.

while I was battling with my mind upon my thoughts I heard sound in the hallway,

I quickly shut the laptop and went straight back to the window.

This was the best place according to me in this room.

REALITY- a goofed up nightmare ( nanowrimo13)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang