chap 20

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"Guys! my turn for the paaayyyybaaack!" Takshil screached like a teenage school girl.

"I DARE Aarsh to go upto that waitress and tell her..' Your eyes are just beautiful, so mesmerising...they remind me of...say anything random they remind you of. ' And stand there praising them and flirty in way." he said pointing the lady behind the couter counting money.

"And when she says thanks...just say, ' excuse me? do I know you?" Takshil said with smirk plastered on his face.

Woow my poor guy was about to get spanked (insert winking).

"She might just slap me." Aarsh trailed.

"So...A DARE is a DARE, you gotta do it buddy."

"Hey! whats with the flirting deal? Why does he have to flirt?" I asked Takshil.

He just smirked.


"Someone smells jealous." Taani added pinching her nose and waving her hand to get rid of the imaginary smell.

"I trust him more than anything, And i am sure nobody can handle him better than me." I said flirting, and winking at Aarsh.

Snehi was just making gagging gestures.

"Okay, Lets have some fun."

Aarsh went up to the counter and to get some attention he put a note on the it.

"Can i have some change, please?" Aarsh asked.

He was charming and had a way with flirting off with girls.

The girl at the counter gave a suggestive look.

I felt like pulling those eyebrows off her dolled up face.

I was jealous. No need to state the obvious.

Kavya and Taani were giggling at my completely furious face when my boyfriend was flirting his ass off.

He is so dead. Plain and simple.


"Sure sweetheart." the fake barbie doll replied peeping through her eyelashes.

"Sweetheart?  Did she just say that?" I asked getting more furious.

I had to confirm what i heard was right or not. Maybe i was assuming it.

"Yeah, she did say that, sad you know." Takshil answered this time.

And i just scowled at him.

"Your eyes are just beautiful, so mesmerising...they remind me of my favourite shirt." Aarsh flirted.

"Is it? So is the shirt that you are wearing your favourite one, because that is the same colour of eyes." she purred with her hand now on Aarshs' arm.

"Yes, this it the favourite one.You are one observant girl."

"I like observing things with a closer look to remember it for a lifetime." she suggested winking at him.

"Oh is that so?" He asked a little uncomfortable.

"What are you doing tonight? Is 'Me' the answer to that?" she dallied pointing her thumb to herself.

"That bitch is so fucking dead." I hissed and my loyal friends just snickered.

"For now, I am just relishing the beauty of your eyes." Aarsh replied.

With what i know him, that was a way to get 'thanks' from her to end the dare.

"Thank you baby, Thats just so kind of you, only few..." she was saying when Aarsh cut her.

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