chap 9

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Aarsh's P.O.V.

I went to the class and sat beside Kavya.

He was texting somebody on his phone.

Oh I so knew it was Taani.

My lil sister was so much of an attention seeker.

I grinned thinking that.

I guess that was a family thing.

We were a lot alike. She had this boy wrapped around her small finger.

And that reminded me of Akshi.

It was such a good feeling to just be with her.

I was so pissed yesterday when mom was rude to her.

It was not my baby's fault at all...but still my mom hated her for shady reasons.

And I don't know what to do about it.

Yesterday when she left, it was like a part of me was missing.

I have missed her more than usual lately.

I have been busy with my dance practices and haven't been spending much time with her.

I don't know what all this messy feeling is about.

I was never so attached to anybody.

Even now in the class I was spacing out when the teacher was doing some important concept apparently.

I just wanted to be with her.

Hold her tightly.

Spend every awaken and sleeping moments of my life with her.

Now THAT was too cheesy even for me, but what can I say, I wasn't making sense anyways these days.

It scared me how much I needed her. I had never been needed anybody this desperately.

I always made sure I could take care of myself and not rely on anybody for that matter.

Maybe I had seen enough shit in my life to get attach to people and then be hurt.

I dint wanna be let down.

Maybe that is the reason I never let people be that close to me that if they aren't a part of my life it wont rip my heart to pieces.

Why am I rambling?

Why am I thinking about this stupidity?

Its plain and simple.

My girl is hot and sexy and I am in a relationship with her so I am missing her.


Yeah...thats it..I miss her because I haven't had enough time with her lately and God I did miss making out with her a lot.

okay enough spacing out, concentrate on what the teacher is teaching and then have a very nice sleep after u reach home because u badly need REST.

I tried listening to what the teacher was saying.

Comprehending what she said was way beyond my limits with my brain storming sessions on inside that hard skull.

There was this voice in my head trying to say something about unrequited love.

And such other wag scenarios and thoughts.

But could that be true?

Yes it could.

I was in love.

I was in love with my girl who was truly and completely perfect.

Awesome in every way to be my girl all my life.

Yes, I was in love with my girlfriend.

But what if she just liked me as a Date.

"Holy shit" I hissed. Thousands of possibilities and thoughts racing in my head.

"What happen bro" Kavya whispered besides me.

Shit! I will make a complete fool of myself if I tell him that I was in love.

He will think I am some wuss.

If I tell him what I am thinking, he will just make fun of me and I will never hear the end of it.

And Takshil has been keen and making me realize that I was in love with this girl was over a year now.

When he comes to know he will tease the living crap out of me.

And what if she is not into me like the way I feel.

What if she doesn't love me back?

I will look wuss and a heart broken one at that.

I can take my chances patiently.

Maybe I should think about it again.

I never wanted to feel the rejection and disappointment; I was just scared of the denial.

I hated to think about how it felt if people screwed things up or gave up on me.

I knew I was a handful to handle and to put up with me was difficult but still I cared about the people I love.

So I did score a point for that.

But I was always taught that the only one you could trust and depend is yourself and I did abide with it till now.

Oh God! What have I gotten myself into?

"Nothing, I just forgot the edited CD for the song to practice for dance today." I replied giving him a smile but I am sure it was more like a grim.

"Oh! I thought love of paradise was in trouble." he teased.

"Shut up man!"

" about a pussy whipped wuss deep in love!" he said thoughtfully.

"Coming from a guy who is wrapped around my baby sister's lil finger" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh thats it! Youre no fun" he said pouting.

"You turn everything on MEEEE and ALWAYS."

"Isnt it great that I am letting a player date my sister? I think I should think about it seriously again." I said giving him a thinking face tilting my head to the side showing him I was actually considering the thought.

"Oh please! I am not ever going to cheat on her. I am always a gentleman to her.

I NEVER take advantage of your BABY sister even when she is drunk and is forcing herself onto Me." he said emphasizing on NEVER and BABY, making air quotes when saying them.

"Anything important than the concept I am teaching that you would like to share with the class?" Mrs. Amin asked me and Kavya.

"No, sorry Mrs. Amin." I said.

And heard Takshil snicker in the front seat.

We all three were like besties glued with gum.

Takshil was sitting on the bench ahead us.

And then there was a vibrating sound from Kavya's phone.

He checked it and frowned.

What happen?

I thought of asking him but decided against it.

I will ask him after the class, Mrs. Amin would kick us out and I dint want that.

Mom was already pissed with me and to invite more trouble meant a serious disaster.

"Hey bro! Is everything with kitty alright?" Kavya suddenly asked me taking me off guard.

What was that for?

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