chap 14

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"Hello! Takshil answered the phone.

"Hey buddy!" I said when Takshil answered the phone.

"Hey dude, where were you the whole day?" Takshil asked but his seemed really tired.

"My practice was extended and this whole week we will be having extra hours of practice, since the competition is in a weeks time." I informed him.

"Dude whats the matter? Taani and Akshi have their mobile switched off." I asked.

"Dude your girl is just crazy! we went in to check on her after school, but her house were locked. Apparently her family was attending some wedding.

We kept calling her like maniacs but she never answered.

We asked her neighbour if kitty was at home or something, but nobody had seen her.

Taani was all worked up and Snehi was freaking out.

They kept saying that something was wrong with her because she wasn't herself in class today." Takshil informed but I was sure he had that worry and concern in his voice.

But I dint interrupt and let him continue.

"We decided to split and find her.

Kavya and Taani went up to the mall and I took Snehi along to find her in the nearby streets.

It was a mess, we kept on the search till like 5.30, but nobody could find her. We couldn't inform her parents, so we decided to wait till she was back home.

Taani decided staying at Snehi's place In case we needed to help up for something.

And then just about  fifteen minutes back Taani called up informing kitty is at home now." he continued.

"But what was all that for? Where did she go?" I asked him.

"Taani informed us that kitty had been crying, because her voice was sore from all the crying and she left school in the middle and was at the park the whole time." he finished informing.

"What was thinking she was doing at the park, bunking the school?" I asked.

"I don't know man, she had been crying, didn't you hear that? So we didn't push the matter much. Let her calm down and then we can talk to her about this." Takshil replied.

"Hey Aarsh, I think you should go meet her. She may be needing you now. And the way you behaved was also wrong. Just go talk it out man." he continued.

"I don't know. Its weekend, we don't meet then, but I think you are right. I was a dickhead and I need to apologize.

Okay thanx bro! I will meet her." I answered agreeing to his suggestion.

I quickly hung up and text Snehi to ask Taani to charge her phone and call me as soon as possible.

I was a bit angry at Akshi was being stupid for leaving school and crying her eyes out at a park.

Was it because of me?

Did she realize she was better off without me?

Did she realize that I was not good enough for her in anyway?

Did she want to break it up with me but at the same time not hurt me and that is why she was crying?

Knowing Akshi, I could say she would never hurt anybody knowingly.

Was she crying because she wanted to get rid of me but couldn't?

Oh God! please, please don't let this be the reason. I will be shattered. Please God! please help me.

I am gonna fix this. I can't let her leave me. I need her to be a part of my life even if it is just as a friend.

I need to apologize for my stupidity today and I just need to sort this.

That's it. I am going to meet her now.

It was around 10p.m Mom and dad were busy in their room doing the nasty.

So they wouldn't know if I left the house.

I drove as fast as I could.And parked a few blocks away from Akshi's house.

I  sneaked  into her room from the window and found her asleep.

She looked so peaceful and so calm. Her eyes were shut but the swollen eyelids did give away that she had been crying for long.

I went upto the door of her room and locked it quietly and walked up to her side of the bed.

I came here to solve and talk about things, but she was sound asleep and I didn't wanna wake her for something silly.

I slid under the covers and pulled her into my arms, she stirred a little but was still asleep.

I kept stroking her hair and stared at her sleeping figure.

I was acting creepy but what could I say. I couldn't stop or control the urge to stare at her.

It did scare me that I was in no control of my feelings for this girl but at the same time the feeling of being in love with a beautiful girl like her was amazing.

I fell asleep eventually with Akshi in my arms.

REALITY- a goofed up nightmare ( nanowrimo13)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt