chap 19

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"You are so going down." I said pointed my index finger at him with an evil grin.

"So ..I dare you to go upto that person with pink pants who is near the elevator and say 'I just wanna hug you and kiss him on cheeks.' and hug him for at least 30 seconds.

The hug has to be a big tight bear hug." I said grinning widely.

"This simple? Just hugging a girl?" He asked.

"That is not even considered a dare kitty." Snehi complained.

"Big deal, I take it easy on him for not saving my cute little ass there." i answered using the same words Kavya did.

"Okay!  Lets get this over with." Takshil said getting up.

"What was that dodo! I could have given a better dare." Aarsh whinned.

"Dont underestimate your girl, pretty boy. The guy with pink pants..." i said but was cut off.

"she is a girl kitty." Taani interrupted narrowing her eyes at the pink pants.

"Babes, That person is surely a male , because i saw him coming out of a Mens Washroom 5 minutes back." I replied with a smug smile.

"Sherlock! Is he a Cross Dresser?" Aarsh asked.

"Maybe...Or Maybe not?" I answered.

"I think he is gay." Snehi informed.

Whatever he is guys...this one is going to be epic.

Takshil walked upto the pink pants after straightening his shirt and messing his hair more.

"Hello!" Takshil greeted the pink pants.

"Hey sexy!" He greeted Takshil.

"So...,I just wanna hug you." Takshil said and embraced him in a bear hug.

The pink pants returned the hug immediately and slightly tight then expected.

He wrapped his arms around Takshils' waist with further slid down to his ass.

Takshil was a bit uncomfortable about this. We could see the discomfort. But he had to hug for at least 30 seconds so he had no choice.

The pink pants was feeling Takshil up...slowly... And we just couldn't control anymore and burst laughing.

"Hey sexy! you are ONE HOT PIECE OF MEAT." the pink pants purred.

"Oh...Thank you ma'am." Takshil replied awkwardly.

He was about to kiss him on the cheeks and just at the last moment he turned his face to the side, and Takshil happen to kiss him on his lips.

That was just epic. And Kavya was recording this.

It had to be the best dare ever. And the accidentental kiss was the cheery on the top of double layered vanilla ice-cream.

"I will see you later." Takshil said ripping his hands off  his own butt.

"When are we meeting again sexy?" he asked again.

"I am getting late for now, I will gwt back to you soon." Takshil answered desperately now.

"I own a shop in this mall. Its shop 28. Come and meet me whenever you are free. You're always welcome." Pink pants replied.

"Sure." That was all takshil answered, His eyes anywhere but him.

"And Thank you so much for the hug.Next time it will be more than better." pink pants suggested winking at Takshil.

And just when Takshil was leaving, pink pants spanked his butt.

Takshil literally ran back to our table in the cafe.

We all had been laughing so much that everybody had water in their eyes.

This simple dare ended up with so much fun.

Takshil was now frantically wiping his lips.

"What happen bro?" Kavya asked sobering up.

The rest were still busy laughing.

"A gay just felt me up." Takshil whined, closing his eyes, shaking his head and rubbing his lips.

We laughed some more and Kavya commented

"That's okay! You feel up a dude everyday in a shower. It's almost the same." he continued winking at him.

"You feel alright buddy?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"He did feel enough for the day i guess." Aarsh added.

"Do you know we have that trivial incident recorded, with special focus on the little acquaintance with the lips." Taani commented in an amused tone.

"Delete that shit right away. You better be joking about this Taani because if I see anybody with that video. I am gonna shave their balls off and feed it to the pigs." Takshil tried threatening us, which was useless because his threat was also in an embarrassed voice.

We started laughing histerically.

It was so much fun today.Four of us were down amd only two more dares to go.

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