chap 26

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Akshi's P.O.V.

I was back stage and the event was over.It was good and our school managed to raise a wholesome amount.

My parents and grandmom left since dad had some work come up.They came back stage to meet me before leaving and confirmed about Snehi dropping me home.

Everything was fine.

But I was scared. That was a close on today.What would have happen if we were caught? I would have been grounded for ages.Or Perhaps forever.

I cannot risk loosing Aarsh. He is certainly the most important part of my life. And now that I know I love him. It would just kill me to loose him for a stupid reason like today.

I am not risking anymore or anything for this boy to be out of my life. NO way is that possible now.

I love my family. They own a major part of my heart but for Aarsh, its like I have another whole heart for him.

I know that sounds so much like Aarsh, cheesy and corny and cliche.

I giggled at the thought of it.

"What's so funny?" Aarsh asked standing at the gate with amusement in his eyes.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"What are you doing here? What about your practice?" I asked thinking how was he allowed to leave when he already missed practice before.

"Dad got me a pass." This time it was his turn to shrug.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. Why would his dad do that?

He was always particular about things like this.

"It was a bargain. He wants me to plan a date for him and mom.TODAY. So he got me a pass." he said smirking.

He surely knew how to get things in his favor.

I smiled again at that thought. There were umpteen times that he'd manage to get his way for many things.

He was gazing at me with a confused look.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He answered.

"When are you guys planning to clean this up? Next Christmas?" Mrs. Shetty all but yelled at everybody in the room.

We were about nine of us in the room doing the cleaning work after the event.

Well I was just sitting on the chair and technically only seven were cleaning. Since Aarsh was sitting next to me chatting happily.

"I want this room cleaned in next five minutes. You understand?" She shouted.

"She looks scary..."Aarsh trailed.

I glared at him and hissed, "One shut up, and two just shut up.

"Look at you, All worked up. I should have carried my camera" he laughed a soundless laugh.

I just shush him.

He was a trouble magnet. Always keen on attracting problems. Arrogant immature but cute boy.

'Way to go Akshi' I threap myself.

"When she leaves, just run out of the room." He whispered.

"I can't...back stage was..." I couldn't finish.

He cut me saying, "Your duty was not this and you duty is over long back, now just run."

He pulled my hand, and we ran out of the door. He sprinted away towards the canteen.

"Hey!" I screamed but covered my mouth quickly and he just chuckled.


And then I ran the fastest I could in these pumps.

But once we were near the canteen and away from the back stage room Aarsh just turned suddenly and I bumped into him.

"Awww! keen to be in my arms Ms Akshi, Aren't we?" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes at that. Corny prick.

He was still holding me in his arms.

But then very fast, too fast to even register what's happening, he was swinging me in his arms, bridal style.

I was giggling but blushing at the same time.

"Put me down" I hissed.

"Uh nah" he refused.

"Put me down! Somebody will see" I pleaded this time.

He shook his head again.

I kicked my feet in the air and tried struggling for him to put me down. But obviously he was much stronger.

"Hey loved up puppies, keep it that for the night guys." Takshil commented coming from God knows where.

Aarsh just rolled his eyes and set me  down and took my hand dragging me to the canteen.

Takshil following close.

"We couldn't finish the desert so you can order something here." he said with a with a frown.

"Hey! That's okay, The date was superb. I couldn't have expected less. And you get bonus points for knowing all my favourites." I tried to change his mood.

This guy was just so confusing. How could he go from all flirty and sweet to sad and frowning.

But I knew I could make him smile. I loved the fact that I had that effect on him.

He warmly smiled at me and sat me at the table in the canteen and disappeared to get something to eat. To be honest I was hungry. All this stress was exhausting.

Both the girls and the boys joined us soon and Takshil and Aarsh came back with two large pizza's and Five Pepsi cans.

We all ate playfully and chatted happily about the whole save today and some other random talks from here and there.

If it wouldn't have been for the great friends and Of course Aarsh, I wouldn't be this happy.

I was one super lucky girl.

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