chap 25

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Aarsh's P.O.V.

We were on our way to school when I see my dad parking his car a flew blocks away from school.

Freak! I am screwed if they see our here. He will castrate me himself.

Akshi was following me blindly. She was too scared to even acknowledge her surroundings.

My crazy little girl.She looked cute even with that panic expression.

'Now it not the time to think that dumbass'. I scold myself

I had to think something fast.If we turn around and go down the lane there are high chances that Akshi's dad might see us. And if we walk up to the school my dad might catch us. Fuck we are screwed.

I had to do something. We crossed the street, sprinting and then sort of crouched behind a car.

I called Kavya.My brain just refuse to work at this moment.

"Dude, double emergency. My dad is near the school, parking a few blocks away. If we use the fire escape exit. I am sure he will see us." I hissed.

"Shit! You can't even use the front gate Akshi's dad is still there." Kavya informed.

"Exactly, now what are we to do?" I asked.

"I will ask Snehi to convince Akshi's dad to join the charity event or probably say something and distract him so that you can enter using the front gate." he ranted.

"No...No.. Bad idea. We will have to cross the hallway to reach the back stage. There are high chances of being caught." I replied.

"Wait on hold, I will call Takshil and Snehi on conference, you call Taani." he said.

I was put on hold and then we all five were on conference call. Kavya explained him the situation and Takshil came up with the idea which was the real escape.

"Listen, you two reach the backside of school from the next lane and I think you both will have to climb the gates that is on the back of the school."Takshil suggested.

"Can't they just wait for Aarsh's dad to leave and then use the fire escape exit?" Snehi asked.

"No, My dad was not going to attend this event.Maybe he is here to pick my mom. They had some plans together." I answered.

"How about we distract kitty's dad or ask him to take a seat or something like that?" Taani asked.

"No, I suggested the same thing before but they will have to cross the hallway for the back stage. So it won't work." Kavya replied.

"Guys! the only option is climbing the gates then." I stated.

"Are you crazy? I am not climbing the gates in this dress." Akshi exclaimed.

"We have no other option." I stated as a matter of fact.

We actually had no other option and I didn't want more trouble for her.

She just huffed.

Now that was soo cute.

'Your diverting Aarsh' I scold myself again.

"Okay then but make sure, you don't get into trouble now, I am coming near the back gate."  said Takshil.

"I have my eyes on Akshi's dad. Just watch out for your dad." Kavya informed.

"Okay." I replied and cut the call but before I could even think there was a hand placed on my shoulder. And I look up.

Samarth, a guy from my class was giving me a weird look.

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