One Big Happy Family

Start from the beginning

Robin gave him a surprised glance. "Are you sure about that?"

"I'm not going to let my grandson drink, if that's what you're imposing."

Henry made his way over, an excited yet confused look on his face. "How do you play?"

"Well lad, it's simple," Hook began, "all you have to do is try shooting these balls into the cups over there. When someone on your team misses, then it's the other team's turn. In the end, you drink out of all the cups that have balls in them. The team with the most wins."

Henry tilted his head down to catch a look at the strange liquid inside the cups. "Okay, well... Who's team am I on?"

"I call arrow man!" The pirate announced, seeming quite enthusiastic about it. "You seem like you'd have the best aim."

Robin made a face. "I'm honored, but you stink like oil- no offense. That's all you ever do, work at that mechanic shop."

Killian waved his hook in front of the man's face. "Well, what is a man with a hook for a hand supposed to do in a town like this? Apparently there's no jobs in captaining a pirate ship."

Henry bounced one of the ping pong balls impatiently on the table. "Are we going to play or what?"

He found out quickly how competitive the game was. They all took turns throwing the balls at the opponents plastic cups until one of them would miss. Whenever a ball bounced, Robin and Killian would both swat down the ping pong balls so they would fly off in all different directions. The game was quite fun, but also very heated; lots of people were slowly drawing in to watch due to all the noise they were making. Neal watched from the sidelines as his son and Prince Charming battled against the pirate and the outlaw. It was an extremely close game to call. Robin was a very good aim, and so was Killian. Surprisingly, Henry did do, which made them both want to dominate over the twelve year old. Everyone watched in suspense.

"David, we said we weren't playing beer pong!" Snow's voice sounded from behind, looking with a sudden shock as she noticed her grandson playing right beside him.

Charming couldn't tare his attention away from the game, for he and Henry only had a few cups left. "I'm not going to let him drink any!"

She scowled. "This game is so tacky- it's Thanksgiving, not guy's night!"

With that, she caught one of the ping pong balls in midair and threw it over into the kitchen, resulting in four simultaneous groans of protest.

"Grandma!" Henry pouted, glancing back at David as if telling him to stop her.

"You have to help me get the food out and ready anyways. All of you need to socialize like normal people." Snow gave them all a taunting glance, waiting for them to disperse before cleaning up the mess they had made.

Before they left, each man quickly grabbed a cup of beer and tossed the balls out. Snow White won that round.

Regina could tell something was happening over on the other side of the room, but she didn't feel up to seeing what it was about. Too many people wanted to talk to her; most of them were people she had never seen before, or rather, bothered to notice. But they all knew her, Regina Mills, the pregnant, used- to- be ruler of their kingdom. Apparently, that made one famous.

Most of the questions were along the lines of her relationship with Robin, if she had any intentions of running for mayor again, or her plans for the wedding. Regina had to disappoint everyone she talked to on that question, because she and Robin agreed they weren't going to invest time into their wedding until their baby was born. They both wanted to give their baby their full attention.

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