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"What's are you doing here ?,"My manger says .

"To see Jungkook ,"She replied .

"You can't see Jungkook ,"My manger tells her .

"Why , I'm only a friend ,"She says .

"Friend or not you should stay away from Jungkook I know you like him and he likes you he signed a contract and is leaving after he gets out of here anyways so it best of you just leave now,"He tells her .

She looks up at me with sadness in her eye . As my stupid mouth stayed shut .

"Sorry,"She bows kill my soul .

The door shuts and Jimin and Taehyung stare over at me .

I threw away my food and sat there silently . A period of time went by and Taehyung , Jimin and my manager left . 

"Ill be back tomorrow ,"My manager says . 

They walk out together and the light turns off as visting hours where coming to an end . I went on my phone laying down and texting halla . 

Me ~ I miss you

Halla ~ Me too 

I hear the door open again and I look over seeing a nurse . I sigh and looked at my phone again . 

Me ~ Are you gonna visit me ? 

Halla ~ I cant with you manager around 

Me ~ Ill make him leave somehow okay ?

Halla ~ Okay 

Me ~ Goodnight 

Halla ~ Goodnight 

I turned my phone off and closed my eyes . I tried to sleep , but my eyes couldnt stay shut . I glared at a wall until my weary eyes fell shut and I drifted into a dream , one I never wanted to leave . Where it was just me and Halla , and no one else but us . 


When I woke up I looked around and saw my manager sleeping in a chair . I closed my eyes again and just went back to sleep . When I opened my eyes again he was gone . I got up yawning . I opened my room door and two men stood there . 

"We cant allow you to leave unless under doctors orders ,"One of them say . 

I close the door and walk back into my room . I sat there rubbing my eye , I looked out my window seeing gray skies . Day by day goes by as I haven't texted halla one time. I pick up my phone weakly , and dial halla number . I hear her voice echo through the phone as she say my name and I don't say word . Rain from my eyes fell onto my phone as I end the call and laid back down . A slap of reality and all of hallas words hit me hard . In order to succeeded I have to let go . In order for me to keep halla , I must let go . 


After the day they operated on me , I was moved into a shared room with a young boy . There mother was with him alseep by his side . I had a day left in the hospital the day after I left here to hongkong . I knew I need a way to see halla , I needed some way . 

Later that night I herd crying , coming from the side of me . I got out of bed and saw the little boy crying and holding his knees . 

"Hey whats wrong,"I ask him , 

(Jungkook X Halla fanfic ) The ProcessingWhere stories live. Discover now