13.Field Trip [Day 3 ]

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Halla POV ~

I see jisoo and he was very confused . Why I was here . 

¨ Uhh I was just leaving I came to see Jungkook this is his room I was just dropping by becasue you know where parenter haha ,¨ I say trying to play it off . 

¨ Oh uh okay wheres Jungkook I need him the teachers asking for him .¨ He asks. 

I look back at Jungkook and wave him over to the door . 

¨ Ill leave it to you too now and get going bye ,¨ I say walking away . 

After and hour goes by I go back to the room and see Jungkook was back . 

¨ What happened he asked did your roommates get caught ?,¨ I say worried . 

¨ No no nothing like that they Just told me about tomorrow's agenda they want me to sing for the elder people in a retirement home ,¨ He says out loud . 

I hold my laughter in and bit both my lips toghther smiling . I cover my face with my hands and luagh a little . 

¨ I know I know its funny what ever , aishh im going to bed goodnight ,¨ He says walking away .

¨Good night ,¨ I say giggling a little .








I woke up and went out of my room yawning  goin going to the bathroom . After that I took some cloths and went to change and make breakfast . I looked around seeing a messy room and decided to clean it . When done I went out and remembered we had no food -_-)- ... I took the money and wrote a note telling Jungkook where I was just in case he woke up . ehh probably not, but just in case .

I went out the door and took a little trip out !


When got back around 9 am . I went and started to cook the food I bought.

By the time I was done Jungkook FINALLY woke up . I served the food and we both ate. After eating we get changed into are volunteer outfits . I finished first and leave first going down to the lobby where are class was to leave to the Green House . I looked around seeing where Jungkook was . I see him walking over to me . I waved and he nodded his head coming . We all take attendances and head on the busses over to the place . 

When we get there Jungkook and I started are volunteer work we were assigned together . Are job was to plant new tree in the green house . After hours later we get back on the busses, but before we get on the teacher stops Jungkook. I get on the bus and look out the window as they talk to him . He gets on before it leaves and sit next to me . 

¨ Apparently after this I have to go sing to the old people,¨ He says sighing . 

¨ What you want me to come by ,¨ I ask him . 

¨ No its okay ,¨ He says 

¨ Okay if you say so ,¨ I say back .

We get back and go to are room with out anyone noticing . He changes and leaves the room . I sneak out and follow him . I go into the room and wait until I see Jungkook get on stage . Looks like it was some event for old people the place we staid at was hosting hah . I stood in the conner far from the stage trying to blend in . He started singing . His voice was so angel like . My heart fluttered for a moment . I stop my self but he looked so good up there singing . I remember his apart of Bangtang, that made my growing feeling stop again . I just couldn't help but but smile a a like an idiot for a moment seeing how being up there suited him so well even if he was singing for a room full of old people . I notice we are looking at each other from afar as he stops singing . My eyes widen . I walk quickly out the room . He didn't notice me right hopeful oh well . I quickly sneak back up to the room .  

(Jungkook X Halla fanfic ) The ProcessingWhere stories live. Discover now