Part 2 : Butterflies Recognition, Check.

Start from the beginning

Unknowingly, my lips curved up on their own accord and I smiled like a cat who got all the cream. The newfound sensation was tickling my belly as I stared helplessly at her back. They were widely define and for once I was in an impulse to get a piggy back.

The erratic beating of my heart informed me that I was truly in some deep shit, and I didn't even know what kind of shit that I would face.

"What's with the face?" Flynn questioned out loud and that jerked me away from my dazing state. "Your best friend never hold your hand?"

If she tried to flatten my mood, that just did the thing.

My blooming inside deflated almost instantly. I was over thinking things. I pulled my hand off of her and avoided her puzzled stare.

"Yeah, of course."

She was doing well in hiding her confusion toward my attitude. Well, I was also confused with my attitude toward her. I was the potato type of girl, rarely talked back and rarely noticed by everyone. Flynn sure knew how to push any of my hidden button.

"what are you guys doing?" I plopped my self beside Lydia as their heads jerked up at our arrival.

"Nothing, just chatting, you guys come together?" Lydia looked between me and Flynn.

"Yes," this was mine.

"No," this was Flynn's.

Her brown eyes was full of warning that I didn't comprehend and frowned back. Lydia raised her eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, Flynn came to pick me up," I told Lydia and a sigh was heard. They were from the left and that was Flynn.

I turned in my seat but Flynn eyes were fixed on the whiteboard, practically ignoring me. That made me bit my lips in worry.

"Wow, and you don't even want to go and pick me up too, huh cousin?" Lydia taunting voice seemed to grate on Flynn nerve and I held still.

Awkwardness alert!

"I didn't make plan Lydia." Her voice cooled and collected, and a small smile tugging at her lips was quite unnerving, to me. I don't know why I knew it was such a mask, I don't know her that long to know her every expression.

Then despised her pointless teasing, she made me feel comfortable more than my two best friends.

"Hello class, today I got you an assignment and you better pair up with your friend next to you okay?" Mr. Benn, my math teacher voice cut through our conversations. Class groaned, and I saw Lydia already paired up with Fiona.

Well, that left me with Ms. Cold Flynn herself.

"Who are you going to pair up with?" My voice small as I worried my bottom lips between my teeth, that made her looking at me like I asked for dinosaur.

"It's you silly, who else?" Her lips quirked in to a smile and I released a breath I didn't even know I've held.

"I thought you're angry with me or something," I mumbled low so only her could hear.

"I'm not, it just I don't want to tell Lydia about earlier, she would something to my mom. She tends to add something up." Flynn whispered back and a zing of disappointment ran through me. If she doesn't want her mom to know anything, she didn't have to do it.

"Well, if so you shouldn't come over my house to pick me up this morning." I frowned, muttering and she smirked back. Those smirk would be the death of me.

"Awww, little pig is so cute. Are you worrying about me?" She grinned, her teeth was on the show for me and I swatted her hand away from squeezing my cheek. "Stop worry your little head, it's fine."

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