Chapter 51

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I arrived and it was still raining as I walked into the building. I didn't wanna do this but I had to show up. It's bull shit that we were being put through this, why can't we be happy like we were with each other.

"Ah, Mr. Styles."

"Let's just get this other with".

"We have to discuss our arrangement with Ms. Kendall Jenner. (i have no hate towards Kendall). She has asked us to be seen with her."

"Well maybe I don't want to be seen in public with her". I said clenching my fist. "I wanna be seen with my actual girlfriend".

"Well I'm afraid that's not a choice".

"And why not. What gives you the right to do this. Why do you get to control who I get noticed with".

"I hold your contract Harry. And I'm not playing games with you".

"I'm sure as hell not playing games with you. I'm being fucking serious."

"There will be no excuses for this. You know the conditions and you will follow them if you value this band. Now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting with Kendall".

I punched his door so hard on the way back my knuckles were red. I could care less though. Management was ruining my life for some stupid publicity stunt. All I wanted was to see my girl. My world. And I wouldn't be able to do that except to see her and talk to her through Skype.

I made it back and I walked upstairs and saw my love sitting on the bed finishing packing up her suitcase. She was leaving tomorrow. (I forgot what day I said she was leaving but I'm gonna make it the next day because I'm horrible at time lapses and stuff) I sat down next to her and she looked up and it looked like she had been crying.

"Why are you packing so early we still have a day and a half". She looked up at me and smiled slightly.

"Harry. You know I love you right?"

"Of course and I love you too".

"That's why I have to do this now".

"Do what?"

She took in a deep breath and blew it out and I saw a few tears escape her eyes.

"I'm breaking up with you Harry".

"What? Baby, you don't mean that. You can't. We'll make it though this, you'll see."

"That's just it Harry. I don't think we can and besides...your career comes first before me. I'm just a girl your a singer. You bring happiness to so many people all over the world. I'm just a college student and just a silly dreamer. I should've known this would never last. It never does. I thought for as long as we've been together, it might actually work. But, it was never meant to last between us. Just a summer love. I'll never forget it. You were mine, I was yours. All the love we shared. You made me so happy Harry. Happier then I've ever been in my life. I have to let go of my childish dreams and thinking we'd have it all was my main one"


"No Harry. It was never meant to be. We bob know this. I appreciate you for trying but it's the cold hard truth and I just need to accept it."

"Baby we can do this. I swear. Just please don't break up with me. Please I need you in my life. Even if it is a secret relationship".

"I can't. I don't wanna hide us. Or the feelings we have for each other. This is the best for us. You have a job and I have college. I should leave now. Maybe sooner will be later".

"No please stay the night and we can talk about this".

"I'm sorry Harry but it's over between us".

I felt the tears fall down my face.

"At least let me love you goodbye one last time. I wanna make love to you for the last time then we can be done as hard as it is to say that".

"I'll allow that. I need this. I need you one last time".

Ready to Run ✔️On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara