Chapter 41

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We got off the jet and we put our things in his Range Rover. I couldn't wait to see his mom and sister. We got into the car and he pecked my lips.

"Ready to go?"

We made to his childhood home and once Harry turned the car off his mom and sister came out and engulfed him in a hug.

"And is this Celeste?"

"Mum, Gemma this is my girlfriend Celeste".

"It's so nice to finally meet you".


"We're so happy you two are staying here for a a couple of days".

"I missed you mum and Gems".

"I hope you realize me and mum will probably steal Celeste to go shopping. And no you can't go Harry it's a girl thing."

"Aww", he poured.

"I'll make sure to let you look at what I got you", I whispered.

"I was just joking babes but ok".

"Why you gotta be so cute Styles?"

"It's in my genes baby".

"Gemma if Harry wants to go he can", said Anne.

"I'm sure he'll be fine here coming up with his own shenanigans," I say looking at him.

"It's like I'm not trusted", he chuckled.

"We're only joking Harry", said Anne.

"Let's go inside", said his stepfather Robin which I hadn't seen come out.

We, meaning me and Harry carried our stuff up to his room from when he was a kid.

"So this is Harry Styles's boyhood room."

"Yup and I can't wait for us to sleep in my bed all cuddled up and just you meeting my mum and sis makes me so happy."

"Aw babes. I'm happy to be here too. And I'm excited for these next days".

"I wanna take you out for dinner one night just me and you".


"Yes my hometown is the perfect place for us to go out for dinner".

"I'd love to Harry", I said before I pecked his lips.

"Now let's go down for dinner. I'm starving".

We went downstairs and saw a pretty large amount of food but it all looked good. I loaded my plate before Harry did. He wanted to be polite and let everyone else fill up there's. I watched him eat and have a conversation with his family. I just watched him laugh and smile. I've always known that deep down I'd find someone to make me feel so loved and wanted. Never would I have thought that it would be Harry Styles. He had found a way into my life that was unexpected but I wouldn't change a thing. I felt a hand on my knee and I saw his smile and kiss my cheek before continuing to eat. I picked up my fork and did the same   

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