Chapter 70

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4 months later

The wedding was taking place on the day Celeste and Harry first met. The colors were blue and white. Celeste had a white ball gown wedding dress with blue roses and Harry was dressed In a black tux with a blue flower in the pocket. Plus he still had his hair long.

He had his bandmates plus Zayn as his best men. And Celeste had Avery as her maid of honor. She was dressed in a dark blue dress.
"I can't believe in a bit I'll be married to the love of my life".

"And you'll get to start having babies and lots of sex", chuckled Louis.

"If she wants to start that", I said smiling. I imagined little us's running around and her carrying our children.

I heard the piano starting the wedding march and I saw her walking down the aisle and she looked so beautiful.

I was walking down the aisle and I saw Harry looking at me at the end and I started tearing up.

"Your so beautiful princess", said my dad.

"Thank you dad".

"He will make you happy and you'll have a good life with him I know".

"I know".

"Take care of my daughter Harry".

"I will sir".
I felt Harry's hands helping me up the stairs and saw my dad sitting down. My mother was here and she was even crying.

We eventually said our vows and we kissed after we exchanged rings.

"I now introduce Mr. and Mrs. Styles".

We ran down the aisle and into the car. 

"Now we're heading to our honeymoon baby".

"I know and I can't wait".

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