Chapter 5

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I was scrolling through my Twitter and something caught my eye. It was a tweet from a girl named Celestine. I clicked on her profile and read her tweet. Just looking at that tweet pulled at my heart strings. I decided to follow her after I went thru her and was interested in her life. She went to college and is majoring in music business like her dad. I'm pretty sure I've heard of her dad before. I follow her dad too.

Back to this girl. She looks beautiful and the way she tweets. Just random everyday life things. I like that. I decide to send her a message.

Harry: hi love. I'd love to get to know you. You seem pretty interesting. All the love xx.

I just hoped she'd send me back a message. Would she think I was a fake or that I wasn't being really serious. Or something like that.

'Calm down Harry. She hasn't even seen your message yet. Give her some time' I thought to myself.

I just hoped she did notice the message because I really wanted to know this girl.

Ok I know this is kinda starting out slow but that's kinda how I want it. There's a bit to cover with Celeste's life and such. I'll eventually get to where they start talking and such maybe it'll be next chapter. There will be more background story too about her parents and such. I have big plans and ideas for this story. I appreciate all those who have read this so far. I'll take whatever readers I can get. I love you all even future readers. 

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