Chapter 30

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I woke up and I immediately looked down at the angel in my arms. I kissed her cheek so softly so I wouldn't wake her up. I didn't wanna get up. I tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

I slowly got out of bed and pulled up the covers on her. I headed to the closet to find a shirt.


I looked over at the bed and saw my girl sitting up.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No babe. I just missed you next to me".

I slipped my shirt on and sat down next to her.

"Aww". I kissed her lips as she kissed me back. I laid back against the pillows. I felt her hands under my shirt tracing my tattoos.

"I wanna get a tattoo Harry."


"You make them so beautiful."

"Thank you baby. What would you want as your first one?"

"I have some ideas".

"Tell me".

"Well a mermaid. Music notes and things like that."

"When were you wanting to get one?"



"Yeah. And maybe a nose piercing".

"Whatever you want angel".

"I'm gonna go get dressed".

"Why not just wear my clothes?"

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