Chapter 40

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After our little session this morning we took a shower that involved a heavy make out session, and we got dressed for my mum's house.

I put on some skinny blue jeans (remember when he wore blue and not black just fuck me Harry) a short sleeved black button up and my tan ankle boots. I ran his fingers through my hair then putting it up in a bun for now.

I waited for Celeste to come out. I sat down figuring it might take a while I was packing up our things from earlier so we'd be ready to go straight to my Range Rover that I had someone drive out here.

A while later I hear Celeste walk out of the bathroom. I look up and notice she's wearing ankle boots like mine, black leggings, and a long sleeved white lace shirt. Her hair was in a bun with her bangs framing her face. Her lips were a soft pink almost nude color and just she looked beautiful.

"You look gorgeous love".

"Thank you Harry. You look very good yourself.".

I kissed her neck softly.

"Harry we have to behave ourselves".

"I know but I can't keep my hands off of you".

"I know babe but we are going to your mom's house and I don't want her to know what we're doing".

"Aww", I pouted.

"Fine maybe we can have a little thing. We just gotta be quiet. Easier said then done love".

"How much longer til we get to your hometown?"

"Shouldn't be that much further. I'll go ask".

"Ok I'm just gonna play some games on my phone".

I walk to where the pilot is.

"Hello Harry".

"How much longer til Holmes Chapel sir?"

"I'd say maybe an hour maybe less the skies are  really clear today".

"Thank you sir".

I walked back to Celeste and she was watching one of her favorite shows Supernatural.(anyone else watch this show it's awesome I'm a Dean girl with a side of Sam)

"So how much longer?"

"An hour or so the show is pretty clear today".

"That's good. Let's watch Supernatural together til we land".

"Ok babe".

Ready to Run ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin