Chapter 34

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The last few days Celeste has been acting weird after she and I were outside. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with her. We've slept in different beds. I'm scared that I've done something to make her mad and I really wanna know what's wrong.

I walk downstairs and see her laying in one of the lounge chairs and I can't help but stare she looks so beautiful. She then gets up and heads into the pool after she looks around.

I walk outside quietly and I see her swimming back and forth. I got into the pool as quietly as I could and waited for her to notice me.

"Harry what are you doing out here", she said nervously.

"I was looking for you".

"Oh ok".

"Why are you so nervous love?"

"This swimsuit. Avery convinced me to get it before you came here. I wanted to be sexy for you. I know that sounds stupid but I've seen models and they are better looking then me and I really want you in my life Harry. I want to be that girl you can't stop thinking about. I want to be the one who has your heart. I want to be the one you say that I'm your girl in interviews. I want the whole world to know that you and I are amazing together. I don't want anyone else but you Harry Styles. You have no idea what you do to me. You bring out my confidence. Hence the other night. You bring out the best in me. I've never wanted anyone in my heart until I discovered you. You are what makes my heart beat faster everything I see you. Sleeping next to you just makes me think of hopefully one day when we will be married and we can have children. I know the last few days have been hard it's not you at all. It's me, I've been thinking and I really want you to be my first. There's no one else who could ever make me feel the way you do and I want you to have my heart and love Harry fully. I want you to take the last piece of innocence I have and I want it to be yours."

I looked at her and noticed a few tears escaping her eyes. I smiled knowing I had a few as well.

"Oh my love. Your just too amazing. I thought I made you mad. Of course I want all of those things too. I've never felt this much about anyone  the way I do you. You make me proud to have someone like you in my life. And with the swimsuit you look good in anything you wear. You do look absolutely incredible in this though. Don't you think for one second your not good enough or your not beautiful. Half of those models could never add up to you. A lot of them are forced to be that way. But I'd never ever dream of you being any other way. I love all the little things about you (little things man) your a treasure to me. And whenever your ready you just let me know and I will make it a night to remember. "

"I'm ready whenever Harry. And you don't have to go all out. I know you'll make it amazing because it's you".

I kissed her forehead. And held her close. To think this girl in only a short amount of time had completely stolen my heart. And she makes me feel like a teenager again and best of all she made me feel like a normal person and not Harry Styles from One Direction.

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