Chapter 19

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The next few weeks went by pretty quick and it was time for Avery to come to my dad's place. I missed her so much these past few weeks. I couldn't wait til she got here. I was so lonely in this big house. And I wanted her advice of Harry.

I heard a the sound of a car horn and I ran down the stairs and saw Avery's car. I ran outside and hugged her. We hugged each other for a few more minutes.

"Ok girls time to head inside", my dad laughed.

"It's nice to see you again Avery", said Melissa.

"I'm just happy to be with my best friend again", said Avery.

We headed inside and my dad already had a bed in my room so Avery could share my room with me even though there were a lot of rooms she could have. Avery unpacked her things and I helped her some and we eventually got everything put away.

"So how was the few weeks with your family"? I asked.

"It was pretty cool. My parents are proud of me and things like that. You know the usual. But, I really wanna know about you and Harry".

"Well, what do you wanna know?"


"I've pretty much told you what's going on. There's not really anything new."

"Oh. Hey just a few more weeks til the concert and Harry better ask you to be his girlfriend".

"I hope so too Ave. I really do I'm not sure how I'm going to react if he still just wants to be just friends with me. I just don't think I'll be able to handle it. He doesn't know how much he means to me yet and I'm scared to tell him. I mean I'm going to tell him at the concert hopefully".

"Aww Celeste. Your so in love with him. He'd be stupid but to have someone like you as his girlfriend or to care about you the way you do him."

"Thanks girl. I can only hope this goes the way I want it to".

Next chapter is gonna be the concert and where Harry and Celeste find out about where their friendship takes them next.

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