Chapter 22

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I pulled into the driveway and Harry pulled in behind me. This was still unreal to me. I got out of the car and saw the moon out it must be really late since it was close to 11 when the concert ended.

"Let me show you your room Harry." I said going up the steps in this big house.

"It's right next to yours", he said.

"Yeah I guess it is".

"Hey I was wondering if possibly we could go for a walk or something?" He asked.

"Sure just let me change."


I went into my room and changed into my pjs. (Pic included). I put on some flip flops and saw Harry smiling when he saw me.

"Ready for that walk?"


We walked outside and suddenly we stopped when we got to the big swing that was in the yard. We sat down.

"So I read your note".

"And I read yours a d it was amazing".

"Are we more than friends Harry?"

"If you wanna be then yes", said Harry tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Of course Harry. You read my letter".

"Celeste will you be my girlfriend and can I be your boyfriend?"

"Yes Harry".

I felt his breath on my face.

"Can I kiss you love?"


We leaned in and it didn't seem awkward at all. Maybe because we both really wanted this. Harry leaned in closer because I was unsure about how he wanted this. He looked at my eyes, then slowly down my face until he reached my lips and then he ran his thumb over my bottom lip before he kissed me. It was a peck at first but then I felt him cup my face and then he kissed me fully. I kissed him back with a little fever. God, his lips were as good as people say they were. Fuck, so soft and warm and just ugh. They were perfect, he was perfect.  I didn't wanna stop kissing him but I needed air.

We pulled apart and we were panting.

"Baby, your beautiful. So damn perfect". I blushed when he said that. No ones ever said anything like that before. Harry was my first real kiss. Like I've had others but none as great as Harry.

"Harry, your more perfect than me".

"Not possible love".

"Your just being modest".

"Am I babe".

Fuck the names he was calling me. I just officially met him today and I was ready for him to just take me.

"You ok?"

"Y-Yeah it's just the names your calling me".

"I'm sorry sweetie. I'll stop".

"No, I like them it's just your morning voice".

"It's just from the concert".

"We should probably head to bed". I suggested.

"I guess. I'd rather just have you in my arms tonight".

"Maybe one night but preferably when my dad isn't here. I'm lucky he even let you stay here".

"I'll have to thank your dad for that tomorrow or later on today".

"I'm so happy your here though Harry".

"Me too love".

We headed into the house and headed upstairs to our rooms.

"Goodnight Celeste".

"Goodnight Harry".

We kissed once more before heading into our rooms. I shut my door and laid back against the door and closed my eyes. I felt my lips and they still felt warm. What was he doing to me. I've never felt this way about anyone. I saw Avery passed out and lightly snoring. I smiled and got into my own bed and eventually fell asleep.

This girl is gonna be the death of me. I didn't expect to like her this much but it happened. And kissing her was amazing. She had lips of an angel. Her eyes were a beautiful ocean or sky blue and I don't think I'd ever get tired of looking at them. She was beautiful. I can't believe she's my girlfriend now. And to think this all started because of a tweet she made. I decided to go on Twitter to look at my tweets hoping maybe I could use that to help fall asleep.

@harrystyles the eyes of the bluest sky or the most beautiful ocean water.

With that I ended up falling asleep with thoughts of her on my mind and the taste of her lips on mine.

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