Chapter 59

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A week later.....

I'm still doing pretty well I guess you can say with my classes. I still think about Harry everyday. I mean who wouldn't. It's not because of what he's apart of, but by what he is made up of. He's too kind and sweet. I miss those full lips of his. They're so soft and silky and the way his kisses feel. I miss his gentle touch. Mostly though, I missed his eyes. Those beautiful emerald green eyes.

I hope he's happy doing whatever he's doing. I like he's not with Kendall Jenner anymore. I didn't hate her but I couldn't help but to, even if we weren't dating anymore.

I saw the Perfect music video and just I have no words. I cried watching it. Harry looks so beautiful in it too. I miss him so fucking much. I'd give anything to be able to be in his arms or hear him say my name. I needed him so much and more than I've ever needed anyone. He changed me in a good way. For the short time we were together, I learned so much about myself and I know it sounds cliché but whatever.

But back to the video. I loved it and just wow. The whole black and white thing really made it even more beautiful. The scene that I loved the most was the looking out of the window scene.

I just really missed my heart which he had taken.

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