Chapter 72

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After the honeymoon was over Celeste felt sick to her stomach for a good two weeks before Harry took her to the doctor. And there they found out they would be having a baby. Harry and Celeste were ecstatic especially Harry at the fact that they would be a mom and Dad in 9 months.

Harry and Celeste found a house close to her dad and step-mom's house so Celeste could be close to her family while she was pregnant if Harry had to go places. He still had his place in LA.

Celeste was usually with her step-mom who was 6 months pregnant with their baby. She was asking for advice and whatnot since it was her first pregnancy.

She saw her step-brother being born. And Harry was there with Celeste making sure she was ok. She was in her 3rd month almost 4th at this point.

Harry was so cute caring for Celeste and making sure she was ok and the baby. It was hard sometimes because he wound have to wake up to go to the store to get her things or make her things.

The months passed and Harry touched her belly and talked to their baby girl. She was moving to and moved around to the sound of his singing or just his voice. And fall asleep to Celeste's voice and singing.

The last few months sent them both into panic at times with fake labor pains and contractions.

Then the last month they were in the hospital on a Sunday night almost Monday and this hospital visit they would come back with their beautiful baby girl.

12 hours later Melanie Ann Styles was born into the world. She had blue eyes and wisps of brown curly hair. They couldn't be happier. They'd be having more kids of course but that was later in time.

The end

I'm sorry if the ending sucked but I wanted to end it kinda sweet and happy. I hope you enjoyed it and expect more soon and in the future. Thank you everyone. Love all my readers.

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