Chapter One

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I was awakened by the sound of my alarm clock going off, letting me know I had college classes today.

Why did I put classes early in the morning? Oh yeah because I like having my afternoons free. Plus I had some classes with my best friend Avery. We've been friends for years basically all our lives.

I got up and walked into my bathroom to take a quick shower to wake up and get the blood flowing. After my shower I blow dried my hair and it took forever but I finally straightened my hair. I also brushed my teeth in the process.

I hurried to my room to choose today's outfit and I decided on skinny jeans with a black tank top with Angel on it. I put on my black combat boots.

I packed up everything I'd need for the day ahead in a rush. I put my 1D SnapBack on and flipped it backwards. I couldn't leave the house with out a hat or something in my hair.

I looked over my outfit in the mirror satisfied with the way it looked. I grabbed my phone from the table next to my bed, grabbed my headphones and keys and I was out the door to my car.

"Hey Siri, call Avery".
"Calling Avery".
"Hey Celeste".
"Hey Ave".
"You on the way to the café?
"Yeah I'm in the car. Just left the apartment".
"I'm gonna get off here so I can finish driving there."
"Alright see you in a few".
"See ya".

I hung up and played my music from my phone in the car. I had the windows down and the music blaring. I made to campus and pulled into campus parking and I grabbed my phone and backpack. I crossed the street and made my way inside to the elevator then the 3rd floor to the café. Then Avery comes running up to me and hugs me. Like I said we are really close.

Avery lived on campus in the dorms while I lived in a one bedroom apartment off campus. My mom thought I'd benefit educational from it.

We got our food which consisted of scrambled eggs, sausage links, bacon, French toast, some donuts and finally Starbucks. We had to have that to start our day.

"So has your bitch of a mother accepted your decision of wanting to be a music major yet? Asked Avery.

"No, and she refuses to pay for my music classes. My dad is even though I told him I'd pay it." I said running my hand through my hair.

My parents were divorced and have been for most of my life. My mom had hated the fact that my dad was gone for long periods of time since he was a songwriter and he had to go to meetings and such. He had a studio in the basement and he had his own record label and everything. My mom hated it because she is a lawyer and said that my dad was wasting his life away on the dream he had.

But what drew the line between them was me. As soon as I was able to talk I was singing and I'd be with my dad in his studio while my mom was out doing her lawyer work. Basically she got tired of my dad encouraging me to pursue a career in music when I was 10. This was the final straw and she left my dad taking me with her and she had married a doctor later a couple of years later.

"Your mom and step dad need to get over that because this is your life and I can't see you doing anything but music. You have a beautiful singing voice and you are great with words and I believe one day you can take over the world just like One Direction."

One Direction was one of our favorite bands in the world. We loved them to death. They kept us from loosing ourselves in the world and they helped us with heartbreaks and provided great music to party to.

"I don't know about that Ave that's some pretty high stakes. I'm not even the same as them."

"You gotta give yourself some credit Celeste. Who knows maybe you'll get Harry Styles as your future client when he goes solo and you can have a big wedding with lots of sex and kids.", said Avery causing people to look over at us.

"Ave we are indoors. And why did you mention lots of sex". I say whispering.

"Well it's true".

"Anyway we need to head to Richmond for History."

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