Chapter 4

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Me and Avery came back to my apartment and the first thing we did was raid my kitchen. I decided on making some popcorn so we could watch a movie or something and later we could go out to eat.

"Hey Ave. Do you just want me to make some popcorn and we can watch a movie or something then go out to eat later?"

"Sure that's fine with me. Do you mind if I stay the night?"

"Not at all, you know this".

"I know".

We made a huge bowl worth of popcorn and decided on a chick flick romance movie. The movie being The Notebook. One of my favorite movies. We've watched this lots of times but it's a good movie.

After the movie was over and we were both in tears. We cleaned up and headed out to eat. We decided that Chinese sounded good.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Asked Avery.

"I dunno. What we usually do I guess.", I said taking a sip of my soda.

"Well it's the weekend maybe we could get some alcohol and look at pics of the boys."

"Perfect idea Ave. And maybe also go on Twitter."

"Maybe I know how you get when your drunk". She winked.

"Oh god Ave. I can't help it. He's so fucking sexy like damn can't a girl dream." I laugh.

"Ok only because I feel the same about Niall."

We finished our meal and we left a tip and headed to a liquor store and to get Avery's things on the way back to my apartment. We had a stack of magazines and posters in the floor with alcohol in the fridge and we ordered a few pizzas for later.

I had downed a few beers and I could feel myself getting a bit buzzed. I knew Avery held herself better than I did. (For future reference it's better to drink at home. I'm speaking from experience like yeah have a few drinks in public bars and such but public intoxication is bad. Not that I've been arrested)
I needed this though from time to time because of trying to maintain my grades and such plus my bitch of a mother.

I heard my phone ring and I answered it not caring who it was.


"What?" I slurred.

"Are you drunk?"

"No mother". I sneered already tired of her annoying voice.

"Well I'm informing you that you are no longer after the semester your in will you have the apartment. I'm not paying for it".

"Ask dad too I'm sure he'll do it".

"I'm not going to talk to him because I'm not talking to someone who doesn't agree with my way that you should be majoring in. I still don't understand how you can waste your time on music. It's a stupid mistake that's never gonna happen."

I had it with my mother and maybe it was the alcohol giving me the courage but I could feel myself becoming angry.

"Listen here...mother. I honestly don't give a fuck about you not paying for this apartment. It's lonely as fuck and dads a better parent then you ever were at least he believes in me and my dreams unlike you. He pays for my classes because he loves me and is proud of me. But you are just so mean to me. I'm almost 22 for fucks sake you can't control my life.".


Before she said anything else I hung up on here. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I hugged my knees to my chest as Avery hugged me. I got onto Twitter. (I think in the trailer and maybe in the description of the book I said that her numbers on Twitter I'm just gonna go with another logical idea I have.) I go to make a new tweet @HarryStyles your the one I wish was in my life. I need you more than air.

I posted it not caring anymore. I know he won't see it anyway so who cares. I drank enough to finally fall asleep. With thoughts of being in Harry's arms.

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