
JJ. JJ may be grumpy in the morning, but if Simon is in his bed he really doesn't care.

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Tobi. Tobi is one of those people that doesn't function until he has had a full cup of coffee. And Josh knows that.

Worries most when other is sick


Harry. Momma Harold really kicks in when Cal catches something. No videos, no calls or texts with anyone, nothing until his precious Cal is perfect again.


Vik. Although Harry does worry about Vik getting sick, he does not call Harry 30 a day. 30. Missed. Calls. 30.


Simon. Those random days where Simon 'doesn't know what to record', are really days where Simon is caring for a sick JJ. Whether it's trying to make soup (and failing) or constant cuddling, Simon does anything to make JJ feel better.

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Both. Whenever one is sick, the other is right by their side caring for them. They try to up stage their partner in care, but can never do it.

Pulls pranks on the other


Cal. Have you ever seen his Epic 'Roommate' Clingfilm Prank? That explains it perfectly.


Harry. Vik may be childish, but not to Harry's level. But Harry doesn't prank often because Vik will give him the silent treatment for a week if he doesn't properly apologize.


Simon. Epic Wrapping Housemates Room Prank! was just the beginning of the pranks Simon pulls. Most are not that elaborate, but every single one still pissing off JJ that much.

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Neither. Both Tobi and Josh have a truce on no pranking each other. Neither of them like pranks and will not do it to their lover.

Says' I love you' the most


Both in different ways. Cal and Harry may not say 'I love you, but they say everything else that means 'I love you'


Harry. No matter what the conversation is, Harry always slips in 'I love you's.' Even in fights (which usually change the fights into heavy make out sessions. Vik is a slut for that)


Simon. With JJ having so many trips away from Simon, Simon makes sure to call JJ everyday and makes sure JJ knows he misses him and loves him.

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Josh. Tobi isn't very open about how he feels with Josh. Josh on the other hand, says how ever he feels with Tobi. And that usually turns into something really sappy that makes Tobi cry.

Is the embarrassingly drunk dancer


Harry. Cal may be a flirting drunk, but Harry thinks he is a fucking ballerina when drunk. He always somehow ends up getting hurt in one way or another.


Vik. We have all seen the vine of Vik drunk dancing.


JJ. Not only does JJ drunk rap, but he loves to dance and rap. When that happens Simon is usually laughing his ass off in the corner.

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Josh. Since Tobi doesn't drink, Josh is the only one to drink. Despite Josh doesn't get drunk a lot, he still can't help himself from dancing around with Tobi.

Firmly believes in couple costumes


Both. Harry and Cal like couple costumes so much, they sometimes go out in the same outfits. Everyone hates it so much, but they really don't care.


Harry. If Harry can get Vik into any outfit, he is so ecstatic. Mainly because Vik is wearing some kind of girly skirt or dress. ;)


JJ. Halloween is a troubling time for JJ because Simon shoots down anything about couple costumes. But on Halloween, as long as he is slightly tipsy, he doesn't care.

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Tobi. Every Christmas, Tobi gets him and Josh matching hats, shoes, or anything else. Josh pretends like he hates them, but inside really loves wearing them with Tobi.

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