Vikklan - Write Me a Letter

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Vikk's POV

I literally ran from my dorm to my class 3 blocks away. I was going to be so late. I awoke up ten minutes before I was supposed to be there. I literally brushed my hair, grabbed a granola bar and my homework and here I am, a minute from the bell and looking like a wreck.

I quickly ran to my seat and sat down as our professor came in the room. It was my morning class of art. The teacher was pretty laid back about artwork but when it came to being late, he loved to fuck with people. Last week a freshman came a minute late and he made the freshman leave the class in nothing but underwear as he painted the poor boys clothes and called them 'artwork.' That was not going to be me. It was either cruel or usual punishment, or looking like a hurricane mixed with a tornado, so I choose hurricane x tornado.

He began to talk about our next unit. Pencil shading. He said to grab a pencil and I reached down to grab my bag of pencil when my hand grabbed nothing.


I forgot them on my desk. Why? I am have a shitty enough morning. I glance around my table and see the boy across from me, a tall blonde blue eyed man, had so many pencils, hopefully I can get one from him. I believe his name is Lachlan. Let's try it.

"Hey? Lachlan?" Thankfully, the blondie looked up and I politely asked.

"May I borrow a pencil?" I asked sounding really desperate.

"You look like you've had a rough morning so yeah," he said opening up his pencil pouch, "We can share."

"Thank you a million times."

"No problem dude. And your hair is bizarre right around here." he said motioning to my front hanging blacks bangs. 

I tried to flat them and eventually got them down enough to see them, because usually they hang down near my eyes.

"Thank you Lachlan."

"As I said, no problem."

The professors announced that we would be shading by drawing the person across from us. How great. Uhhhhhhh.

I slightly smiled at Lachlan as he turned around to look at me. I remember my paper, so I grabbed that out and began a simple outline of Lachlan's features, as he did with me.

He had a beach blonde colored quiff that waved to the left a bit. His eyes were a, sky blue or teal colored eyes. His facial features were pretty normal, but he had a sharp jawline and some nice cheekbones. I am not gonna lie.

I took quick glances up to him and memorized each individual feature of the man in front of him. I found out his collarbones are just death. Them are just, huh, faint worthy shit.

Once I got focused in on drawing, I forgot that my morning was absolute shit and actually focused in on Lachlan.

It was about an hour later when the professor got a call on his phone and picked it up.

I thought it would be a normal call but instead he started freaking out.

"Okay class, I need to leave for delivery."

"YOU DON'T HAVE A WIFE." someone yelled at him as he searched though his desk.


"Did he just leave us here to go watch his dog give birth?" I asked anyone around me who listened.

"I think he just did." Lachlan said turning around and packing up his stuff. I set down my outline and got ready to go back home and sleep. I put my drawing in my folder and got up to leave. That's when I realized I still have Lachlan's pencil. I better find him. I quickly glance around and saw him slowly making his way out the door.

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