Vikklan : Imagination

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Today was Tuesday. And like clock work at 7:30, he walked past my house. He does every morning. No matter the weather or what happens, he walks out front my house. He always has his computer bag and is usually nose deep in a book, mainly horror or action books. He has black hair that flips to one side, he has a darker complexation, and has on-point eyebrows. He also has the name Vikram Barns.

He has no real idea who I am because I am a 'jock' and he is a 'nerd.' Not really though. I play basketball and he is really smart in math and science. But of course stereotypes.  He only talks to his friends and no one else. I sometimes talk to other people than my friends but I usually talk to Mitch and Preston. He usually talks to Jerome and Rob. We never cross paths except the mornings. When he does not even know that we cross paths.

So that is why I am sitting by the window of my front room, on my computer, waiting to watch him walk past my house. And of course he is reading the book Carrie and walking past. I slowly watch him walk by then I go and grab my stuff so my mom can drop me off. I have my computer bag and my backpack and I head into the garage and jump in the passenger side of our SUV. Landon comes and jumps behind me and Mom comes and starts up the car. She pulls out of the  garage and I zone out watch the scenery zoom past. Soon enough, Landon is dropped off and she pulls in front of the high school, and I get out. I walked to my locker, where I see Mitch and Preston are waiting.


"Hi Lachlan."

"Hey guys."

"Did you see that the local math competition is after school today? Right after your game."

"No, I did not see that. I must not have been paying attention. But that's different usually it is at the other school. Why is it here?"

"Because the other school's cafeteria is being renovated and they have no room."

"Oh, okay." I saw as I begin to walk to our first class. We all have science first hour.

"Of course you would not know because you are always in your own head."

"So what? I like my own head."

"You really shouldn't."

"Oi, you jag battle duty."

"At least I am not a cactus."

We laugh as we enter the science room and go to sit down in our assigned seats. I sit next to Jerome in science class. Of course Mitch would kill to switch seats. He still likes his partner, Adam, but he would rather talk to Jerome.

I pull out my notebook and begin to doodle a basketball game. The people running around blocking, the ball flying through the air, the crowd yelling for you.

"Wow. That is really good." I heard from next to me. I turn to see Jerome looking at my doodle.

"It was just a silly doodle."

"A silly doodle? Damn man you should be in art club."

"Not really the type for clubs."

"But what about you playing basketball?"

"Basketball is fun to play and helps relieve stress for me. It is more of a hobby than anything."

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