"I wonder if there's a way to add a wow factor to this trick. I mean it's already pretty amazing but I know I can do something to make it better."

Jungkook shimmies out of the basket and tosses the blanket off of himself. He hops off of the stand and onto the stage floor.

"What could you possibly do to up that? You use your magic to shove a 178cm man into a tiny basket and then stab him with seven knives and then you step into the basket as if the giant man disappeared. What else could you do?" Jungkook asks, frustrated by the magician's apparent need to add more to an already difficult trick.

"I mean, I could get into the box with you. Think there's enough room? We could get a bigger box and mirror the illusion onto it so that it's smaller. Or we could just try and squeeze into this one," Taehyung continues to try and come up with ideas while Jungkook lets out a deep sigh and gets back into the basket.

"Get in" Jungkook says. Taehyung stops ranting and asks for him to repeat the request.

"Damn it Tae just see if you can get in" Jungkook groans. Taehyung pauses for a moment, shock causing him to second guess whether he should actually go in there or not.

"We have to put the swords back in cause I'll be going in after I put all the swords through" Taehyung says, stalling for as long as possible. Jungkook complies by staying still and guiding the swords through the basket once again. When they're all in place Taehyung steps into the basket just like before and kneels down, twisting sideways and slipping his hips through the basket. He feels around with his legs, fear ransacking his thoughts as he tries to avoid each blade. Jungkook, blind due to the lack of lighting from outside the basket, feels around with one hand as he assists the magician in guiding his way into the basket.

"Aish this is impossible" Taehyung says as he gives up and begins to try and get out. Rather than letting his senpai quit he grabs hard onto what he hopes is an appropriate place to grab and pulls down and to the right, Taehyung's behind landing safely between two swords.

V waves goodbye to the crowd as he proceeds to duck his head into the basket. The crowd is silent as Hoseok and Seokjin begin placing more swords into the basket.

The magician had decided that a larger basket was required for this trick to work but it was only expanded by a few centimeters. The wicking of this basket, however, is thinner, creating the illusion of solidity and a minimized size. A black blanket is placed over it instead of a burgundy one to further reduce the appearance of the basket. Two fairly short assistants presented the two boys at the beginning of the trick to create the illusion that they are taller and larger than they really are.

V can feel Jungkook's breath against his neck as they cram together in the small space. Jungkook can feel the magician's rapid pulse as he shifts slightly, his knee pressing against the boys inner thigh as it avoids another sword.

"This is the stupidest idea you've ever had," Jungkook whispers. V laughs and rests his chin on top of the boys head, breathing in the scent of his hair. Cinnamon.

"I know. But listen, the crowd is too shocked to even react," The magician replies.

Hoseok grabs the basket and begins spinning it around on stage, showing that there is no possible escape for the two boys. Jungkook hates this part and his breath hitches as he begins to spin. V grabs the boys hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

The spinning continues and a machine begins pulling out each sword, pulling out one at a time as they come around. They are yanked out violently but skillfully, in tune with the music so the two boys trapped inside know exactly which body part to move and which sword is being pulled out. This extension of the trick has never been done before, and the crowd gasps each time a sword is pulled out. The crowd can't see the clear strings attached to each sword due to the cloud of smoke surrounding the basket and it appears that the magician in the basket is throwing the swords out of the basket using his sorcery.

"Ow" V hisses as one of the swords nicks his arm.

"Are you alright?" Jungkook asks. Suddenly the spinning stops and it's time for the boys to get out. V shimmies out of the basket and grabs the black cover, wrapping it around himself like a cape and ultimately covering his wound. He places his hand into the basket and pulls out his assistant who puts on a smile, hand still gripping V's. The crowd begins applauding and the two boys take a bow. Hoseok runs up and places his arm around Jungkook, bowing in sync with the others. Fireworks explode in the background and all the other assistants come on stage to join the ending of the show. V walks forward, hand gripping his shoulder as he tries to stop whatever bleeding may be happening. Jungkook looks at the smile planted securely on V's face and suddenly he is hit with a pang of guilt.

This job requires pain. Without it, the crowd won't be able to witness the unthinkable. Blood, sweat and tears are required in order to successfully make it in any entertainment scene. Jungkook experiences one moment of pain, one moment of fear and he quits while V the Victorious stands tall and faces the crowd headstrong and confident.

"And now, an announcement from our lovely assistant Jeon Jungkook!" V announces, turning around and quickly displaying a frown once the crowd can no longer see him. Jungkook swallows hard and reconnects his mouth piece, walking to where V is standing. Smiling with his lips and frowning with his eyes he adjusts his mouthpiece so it's pointed closer to his chin and not pointed upwards towards his ear.

"I-" the shy boy turns towards the magician and bites his lip. Taehyung freezes as the glow of the stage lights hit the back of his assistants head, creating a heavenly silhouette on half his face. He nods for Jungkook to continue.

"It's been a wild ride, being V the Victorious' personal assistant, helping this amazing magician strengthen his magic and also being his personal crash dummy" the crowd laughs. Jungkook swallows hard as tears begin to cloud his vision.

"I'm sorry" He whispers, as he finally says what he needs to say.

"With this experience and knowledge I have gained... I hope to further please you all in the future. Thank you for being such loyal and devoted fans of V, he's an amazing mentor to me and an amazing magician. I'm glad that we will continue to work together in the future."

Jungkook bows and turns around. V is slack jawed while everyone else is smiling and clapping wildly. He bows his head and gets back in line before the curtain falls, ending the one day he promised Yoongi he'd be gone and beginning the rest of his career.

*A/N* So if you guys saw my previous post you read that I finally reached 1k reads on Magician's Assistant! Any questions you guys have go ahead and ask them on there and I will answer them collectively when I feel I have enough. In the meantime I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you continue to enjoy this fanfic. 

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