Lydia stepped onto the bins and hoped that the window was unlocked. To her surprise, it was. She swung it open and slipped her body through head first.

Allison was sitting in the chair at the desk by all the scraps of painted plastics. She had her head in her hands. "Didn't I tell you to leave?" She snapped.

Lydia rolled her eyes and landed uneasily on a cardboard box. "Yes, but when did I start listening to people?" Lydia responded as she stood up. "I haven't heard from you in a while. I was worried that something bad happened... Are you okay?"

Allison, who still wasn't looking at her, threw her hands in the air. "Lydia just go away!" She yelled. Her voice cracked and a sob escaped the dark haired girl's lips. Lydia ran over to her.

Lydia spun her around quickly and Allison put her hands on her face. "Allison, what are you hiding from me?" Lydia said as she tried pulling her friend's hands away from her face.

Allison gave in and let the strawberry blonde remove her hands. Lydia gasped as she saw Allison's bruised face and cut lip. "Who the fuck did this to you?" Lydia yelled. "Was it Seth? I'm going to beat the fuck out of him—"

"Leave it alone, Lydia," Allison cried. "It was an accident, he didn't mean it—"

"Do you really believe that?" Lydia asked, sighing, "Allison, he hurt you, and I know this isn't the first time either. You need to end it with him."

Lydia glanced at the desk and noticed Allison was piecing her favorite mug back together. He must've threw it, Lydia thought.

"Lydia, leave now!" Allison sobbed, "Just go!"

Lydia glared at her friend through teary eyes and nodded. "Fine."

Lydia opened the garage door and slammed it shut behind her once she was outside. She grabbed her bag and skateboarded to the small park a few blocks away.

Lydia crawled up to the bridge and sat down. She took out her phone and dialed Danny's number. It went straight to voicemail.

"Hey, this is Danny. I'm either busy or ignoring you. It's usually the second one, but leave a message if it's important. Don't waste my time, thanks!" Beep.

"Where in holy fuck are you?" Lydia cried into the phone. "You should know by now that you can't just fucking disappear on me." She inhaled a shaky breath. "Seth fucking hurt Allison, I saw the aftermath. You chose a really great time to be MIA right now, you fucking idiot."

Lydia put the finishing touches on her painting. She sniffled while putting a final coating of brown paint on the little boy's head. She wiped her nose on her arm and set her spray-can back into her bag.

Stiles, who was smirking all the while, watched as she started to pack her stuff away. He knew he was suppose to catch her to make sure that she didn't do any more graffiti but to be honest, Stiles just wanted to watch. All her paintings were beautiful and he enjoyed looking at them.

He noticed that she didn't have her motorcycle, which was a relief. He thought that he'd have to put a Denver boot on the tires of it. Stiles realized that she just had a skateboard with her.

Stiles was parked in his blue jeep, something that the girl wouldn't recognize. He looked over at his passenger seat and he grabbed the metal handcuffs.

"What are you doing in our spot?" Someone yelled. Stiles looked up and saw a small group of men approaching the girl. There was four of them stalking towards him.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving," She said, wiping away a stray tear.

"Awe, she's crying," One of them said, "Come with me and I can make you forget all about your problems."

Lydia started walking over to her skateboard. "No thanks."

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I have this policy where I stay away from perverts," Lydia quipped.

Stiles saw one of them pull out a knife and his eyes widened.

Lydia put her bag around her shoulder and looked over at the men who were advancing on her. She saw the glint of the blade and she started to skate away.

One of them, who looked like the leader, caught up and pulled her off of the board by her hair, making her fall onto the ground. The rocky pavement cut her leg. He took out his knife. "This is my street, you fucking hear me?" He growled, "No one comes to my street and paints on it with their spray paints."

Stiles turned on his radio and told the rest of the deputies that he needed back up. Scott answered and told him that they'd be there in a few minutes.

He turned his jeep on and drove straight to the curb where the men were. One of them jumped out of the way so he didn't get hit by the blue vehicle.

Stiles jumped out of his car with a loaded gun in his hands. They all had knives now. Stiles gulped but didn't show his fear. "Let her go and no one gets hurt," He said loud and sternly.

The leader turned to face Stiles and a smirk appeared on his face. He began to speak but Lydia flipped him over so that she was on top of him. Lydia punched him in the jaw before standing up.

One of the men tried to grab her while she wasn't paying attention but Stiles stepped between them with his gun pointed straight at the guy.

"Get in the jeep," Stiles told her, but he never took his eyes off of the men. She was reluctant to do what he told her to but she nodded. Lydia would rather obey him than get stabbed to death.

Just as she was getting into his jeep, red and blue lights started to flash from the alley. Four police cars surrounded the scene. Stiles lowered his gun, being that the rest of the cops were already there.

The leader sat up and pulled out a gun. Stiles immediately took cover behind his vehicle. He didn't have his vest on, or any protection on for that matter. Lydia let out a scream as she saw the other men pull out their guns as well and she panicked. Her panic sent her into a frenzy and then all she saw was black.

Scott looked over at Stiles. "We got this! Go!" He yelled just as the deputies pulled out their own guns.

Stiles opened his door and got in. He turned his car on and drove as fast as he could away from the scene. He looked over at the girl in the back seat, who was passed out.

Writers Note:

Stiles has Lydia ;-)

Is he going to turn her in? Will she escape him (like always) before he has the chance? Any guesses?

Ok since you all are not reading anything on my profile, i will tell you here, being that at least some of you will read it:

Some of you know that i had a book out called Forbidden {BxB}. It wasn't a fan fiction, I made up my own characters and everything. I took it down so I could fix it and edit and shit. But now I'm actually writing the whole thing so I can update it fluently without having to pause so i can write it then publish it like I normally do. I'm kinda-sorta-maybe not almost done with it (?) but it should be out soon and i would love love love love love love LOVE for you all to read it. I've been working really hard on it and i gave it a decent plot. Its about two childhood friends falling unexpectedly in love with each other but shit happens and they cant be together. Its sad and funny and probs gonna be steamy *smirks* so when i publish the first chapter i want you alllllll to read it. I promise you wont regret it.

Ok i feel like I'm not making any sense but anyways please vote and comment, i am very lonely u have no idea.

-Trash, i mean Alison

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