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Jimin smiles and tilts his head, admiring the boy's childish acts

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Jimin smiles and tilts his head, admiring the boy's childish acts. Suddenly, a throat clears behind the two boys and Jimin turns his body at an angle to look behind Yoongi. His eyes widen and heart sinks as he sees Jungkook standing there awkwardly. He had been hoping that his love's boyfriend would still be asleep. 

"Oh Jungkookie! This is Park Jimin. We met while watching one of your performances at the pub." Jungkook smiles and walks to the orange haired boy, sticking out his hand to greet him. Jimin shakes his hand but his smile fades just slightly.

"Wow I can't believe I'm finally meeting you. Yoongi talks about you non-stop and you're an amazing performer. Taehyung is lucky to have you on the team." Jimin compliments. Jungkook blushes but notices the painful present tense of the sentence.

"Well... he doesn't have me on his team anymore. I quit." Jungkook confesses. 

"Wait why?" Jimin asks.

"There was an incident"

"With Taehyung?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah. Hey why do you keep calling him Taehyung? Most fans just call him V." Jungkook notices. Jimin bites his lip nervously.

"Well Taehyung is his name isn't it? Stage names bother me." Jungkook eyes Jimin but shrugs, not wanting to discuss it any further.

"What was the incident? If you don't mind me asking." Yoongi looks down at the ground as the two boys talk.

"Oh... um... well..." Jungkook doesn't know how to reply. The incident in his mind isn't the one he wants to talk about. 

"It was just an argument but it was enough to make me want to leave" Jungkook says simply. The silence that follows is tense and the air becomes thick. Jimin doesn't know what to do next. He wishs that Namjoon had explained everything that went on rather than keeping it to himself. That would have helped.

"Anyways... How about all three of us go out for breakfast? Oh Jungkookie I'd love for you and Jimin to get along. You guys would make great friends!" Both of the boys eye each other and then look at Yoongi with bright eyes. Yoongi shivers as he gets a look of love from Jungkook but a look of admiration from Jimin. His head spins.

"Ima get dressed and then we can go. Jungkook, you can go like that if you want" Yoongi winks at the shirtless, boxer clad boy. Jungkook looks down at his body and blushes but he radiates confidence, making the situation less awkward for Jimin.

He's cheerful and bright, no wonder he was able to catch Yoongi's eye. Jimin has to really step it up if he is to beat Jungkook at his own game. 


Taehyung did nothing but sulk from the second Jungkook left to now. He lost his star performer and along with that, lost his own personal star. The light seems to fade from his eyes as he sat at the breakfast table with the rest of the crew. He would rather his entire career be over than for Jungkook to not be a part of it. 

Hoseok and Seokjin hold hands under the table and every time one of them looks at Taehyung he squeezes the other's tightly. Each time Taehyung sighs heavily they look at each other, worry scribbled upon each of their faces as they watch the boy's agony.

"YAH! Taehyung! Eat something" Namjoon throws a grape across the table at the sullen man, capturing his attention. The grape bounces off his forehead and into his porridge. Lifting up his chopsticks he picks up the grape and raises his eyebrow, bringing it up to eye level and looking at Namjoon. Daringly he pops the grape into his mouth, still glaring at his manager. 

"There. I ate something. Happy?" Taehyung pushes back his chair loudly, the legs of the chair creeking loudly against the linoleum floor. He throws his chopsticks into the porridge and walks out of the dining hall of the hotel.  Namjoon stands up to go after him but Soon Deok places a gentle hand on his shoulder, making him sit back down instantly. 

"I'll talk to him" She whispers as she kisses the top of his head. Namjoon simply nods and allows his girlfriend to try and reason with the infatuated young boy. 

Taehyung crawls back into bed and covers himself with the sheets. When he hears his door open he groans for whoever it is to go away.

"Don't talk to your Noona like that." Soon Deok scolds. Taehyung throws the bed sheets off of him and sits up out of respect.

"Mianhe noona" Taehyung bows. Soon Deok enters the room and sits on the corner of her dongsang's bed. 

"Why are you being like this Taehyung? Where's that beautiful smile you're always showing off?" Taehyung grins shyly and looks at his fingers. 

"Jungkook left" he whispers.

"I know, but why are you like this, that was my question." Taehyung's confused. He is like this because Jungkook left. There is no other reason as to why he feels his way. All he wants is Jungkook back. 

"Because Jungkook isn't here" He says slowly. Soon Deok nods with an air of understanding.

"Well then we'll just have to change that right?" Taehyung looks up and into the girl's serious eyes. How can Taehyung possibly get Jungkook back. There's no way he'll come back just by him asking and he didn't feel right forcing him to come back after what he had done.

Taehyung touches his lips and feels them tingle the way they did last night after he kisses Jungkook. He wants to feel that again but he knows that in order to get the boy back he'll have to ignore that side of him and push it aside. He has to show Jungkook that he respects the relationship he has with his boyfriend and that he won't do anything to jeopardize it. 

"So stop... stop tempting me!" He hears Jungkook say in his head. He was right, it was all him. All he temptations and all the flirting. Jungkook never once betrayed his boyfriend, he remained loyal the entire time... except for when he kissed Taehyung back.

That was what threw the boy off. Why would he kiss him back when he had a boyfriend? That had to mean something right? It had to.

"How do I bring him back?" Taehyung asks his noona. Soon Deok frowns, knowing that Taehyung won't like the answer.

"You have to beg."

*A/N* Okay guys, so something happened, people who follow me or pay attention to their notifications may have seen my freak out where I said chapter 11 would be delayed. Somehow half, well a big chunk of chapter 8 decided to delete itself. I kind of freaked out cause I thought i would have to rewrite it. I'm asking anyone who read chapter eight between the time it was posted and now who didn't read the chapter in it's entirety (my chapters always end with an A/N so if you didn't see one than you missed a bulk of the chapter) to go back and read it because chapter 8 is one of the most important chapters so far. Without it, everything else after it makes absolutely no sense. I know some people were unfortunate enough to start reading my fanfic with that chapter all messed up and I apologize that you took the time to pick and read this fanfic and had to miss out or be confused at all. Definitely not what I wanted your impression to be affected by. Anyways, I was already mostly done with chapter 11 so I just stayed up an extra hour to finish it because I felt so bad. I even checked all the other chapters to make sure it didn't happen to any other ones.  Anywhosandwatsits this is getting lengthy, im gonna stop. Have an amazing day/night wherever you are and be healthy!

The Magician's Assistant || Vkook & YoonminOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara