Beach! Beach! Beach!... Wait I can't Swim

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I decided to stay up for the rest of the trip. I guess I was alone though, because Zach had went back to sleep. Staring out the window as we went over the bridge, I was amazed at all the water. I've never seen so much water in my entire life. When we went through the tunnel, I ended up scooting closer toward Zach. Being through here gave this strange feeling, I wasn't scared or anything but it got my heart beating hard all of a sudden. Somehow during that time Zach decide to wake up, and wrapped his arm around my waist.


He whispered in my ear, and I glanced at shaking my head, but bit my lower lip.

"We're under the water, isn't it exciting."

Marie had turned around talking to Alice, and I leaned closer into Zach's embrace kind of nervous. Under the water? Under all of that water oh my god. Turning pressing my face into Zach's chest, he kissed the side of my head.

"Hey look pretty girl."

Slowly pulling away we were slowly coming out of the tunnel, and I relaxed staring at all the water around us, and the seagulls flying around. Yeah I can deal with water being all around us, just not it being above us.

It didn't take along, before we were pulling up into a hotel. Everyone was soon getting so excited and Alice then turned around with a big smile on her face.

"We're here."

"I know."

It was a nice looking hotel, and Terrell stopped right in front of the doors. He said he would be right back, as he went into the hotel. We then all started to get out, and I glanced around while the boys started getting the suitcases out of the back. Catherine then appeared out of nowhere and threw her arm around my shoulder with a big smile on her face. You could almost feel the energy coming off her, and she squealed into my ear making me flinch.

"We're here, we're here, beach bound baby."

Smiling at her, she turned to Marie who was just as excited. Glancing over at Alice she was looking around in awe, and I moved over toward her.

"First time at the beach?"

"Yeah, you?"


At least I wasn't the only one who this was their first time at the beach.

"Girls come get your bags."

Glancing behind us, Derek was motioning us to come over. Walking over to the van, I glanced over to see where my suitcase was. Spotting it, before I grabbed it a hand beat me to it, and I glanced to see that Zach was putting it on one of those baggage carts. Smiling I grabbed my bag setting it on the cart as well, before he started pushing it in the hotel. Alice and Kyle seemed to be having some trouble, and I turned helping them fit their suitcases in their cart.

"You're an angel Melissa."

Kyle stated, before he closed the trunk, and moved toward the hotel. Alice was looking around curiously again, before I hooked my arm with her. She stared at me shocked, and I smiled motioning toward the hotel. Following the others, the hotel was big in here, and Terrell was at the counter talking, while the others were in the lobby sitting in some chairs waiting. Letting Alice's arm go, we walked over toward the others, and Zach pulled me between his legs until I sat on his lap. Glancing at the others, Derek was sitting in the chair while Catherine was sitting on the arm, while Kyle had gave Alice his seat, and was standing behind her.

"Well aren't you bold."

Glancing at Catherine, she smirked at me, and I turned my head to hide my blush. Wrapping his arm around my waist, I saw that Marie was coming over smiling at us. Terrell had disappeared somewhere, and I smiled toward Marie as she skipped to a stop.

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