IDK What to name this... oops

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What have I done?

I knew better than putting my hands on someone at school. I've heard that whole violence is never the answer speech Aunt Cali gives Catherine a bunch of times.

She deserved it though

Maybe, but in my defense she did hit me first, but that still doesn't give me the right. Does it? I mean she slapped me, but I punched her.

She tried to slut shame us.

But I also did kind of initiated that she was a whore.

Ok maybe we both were wrong.

Anyways, this whole situation was giving me a headache, letting out a sigh staring at myself in the mirror. It didn't help either that a whole video of the incident is going around like wildfire. That's why instead of being in keyboarding, I'm in the bathroom contemplating my life choices. Like with the video going around there is no way I'm not going to get in trouble. Staring at my arm, it was throbbing and slowly discoloring. This bruise is going to stick out like a sore thumb. Staring at my reflection one again, the cheek that got slapped also was a darker red and had a light scratch on it.

Damn heavy-handed hoe.

Shaking my head, maybe I should go to the nurse office. It's better than just staying in the bathroom, plus she probably can give me some pain medicine.

The walk through the hall was extra quiet, but then again it might have just been me. Finally making it to the nurse office, I knocked, before peeping my head inside. To only find that no one was here.


Going inside anyways, I looked around, before sitting in the spare chair. Pulling out my phone, it has been blowing up with text for a while. Skimming through them, they were from the guys, which meant that they must have seen the video.

Marie: Melissa, oh my god I saw the video. Are you ok?

Allie: Mel!!!!!!!! Girl what happened, I heard there was a video of you beating someone up. I haven't seen it, but everyone is talking about it. What's going on?

Derek: Ok first are you good? Second Damn girl, you popped the chick real quick. But you are good right?

Kyle: Hey Melissa it's Kyle. I heard about you fight, are you ok?

Terrell: You should have told me those bitches were fucking with you. But you did good. Bet they won't mess with you again.

Shaking my head at the messages, I send them a quick message I was ok. Catherine and Zach was the ones who sent message after message.

Catherine: Why aren't you in class?

Catherine: Melissa King, why didn't you tell me you got in a fight.

Catherine: I just saw the video, why did it look like they were about to jump you!!!

Catherine: Mel you ok right? Where are you? why aren't you texting me back? Don't make me go look for you!

Catherine: Melissa... Zach is looking for you and he looks livid. Tell me you're ok?

Nibbling on my lower lip and running a hand through my hair; I felt even more stressed. Sending her a quick message answers all her questions.

Catherine: We are so going to talk later.

Staring at the message for a few, I then switched over to Zach messages.

Loving my BadboyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora