F is for Friends that do stuff together

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Stretching my arms out, the sun was shining nice all morning so I decided to tan. I however was hot now, and I walked back inside. The air conditioning made me sigh contently. Going inside the kitchen, grabbing me a bottle of water. Taking a drink, I yawned, I was seriously bored. Zach had family over all week so he hasn't been able to get away. Catherine was in a sleep coma after returning from her two week stay with her Dad. Marie was too busy with her part time job to hang out, and Alice bonding with her new boyfriend, Kyle. So yeah, I am on my own for a while. Leaving the kitchen, I walked upstairs to my room. Dad is back to week after his three week vacation so it's not like I've been by myself all this time.

Jumping on my bed, I snuggled my face into my pillow, before yawning again. Closing my eyes, I slowly listened to the sound of quietness fall over the house. The feeling of loneliness fell over me, and I stood up quickly. Moving I turned my radio on, and some song was on. It had a nice beat to it, and I walked to my window staring out it, and I slowly started to dance to it. One Direction then came on, and I started to hum along to the song. Slowly getting into it, the feeling of someone grabbing my waist made me scream, and I turned around quickly.

There was Zach was bending over laughing, and I gave me a dirty look, before folding my arms. He gave me a cheeky grin, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ok three things, first you left your door open, second one direction, really, and third what was with that scream."

"Oh shut up."

Moving I cut the radio off, before moving over to him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Pressing a kiss to his lips, he smirked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"So your finally free."

"Oh my god yes, you don't know the half of it."

"It can't have been that bad."

"The horror, the horror I say."

Snorting, I let him go, before moving and sitting on the bed. Moving he sat beside me, before we leaned back, and turned facing toward each other. Slowly taking him in, it's been a whole week since the last time I've saw him. The sun had tan him kind of, his hair was lightly longer, but his eyes were the same, as blue as ever. Leaning forward, he pressed his forehead against mine for a second, and our hands automatically moved toward each other. Moving I kissed the tip of his nose, and he scrunched his face up. Softly laughing, he smiled leaning forward aiming for my nose, but I turned my head making him kiss my cheek. I guess he didn't care, because he lingered there for a few, before moving his lips down my neck.

Our little utopia was interrupted when his phone went off, and he pulled away. He answered the phone without looking at it, and I smiled.


Smiling I leaned over kissing his cheek, and he leaned back grinning.

"Yeah I'm at Melissa's."


"Naw those crazy fucks are gone."

Gasping I smacked his arm, and he laughed lying on his back. Rolling off the bed, I walked to my window, and stared out it for a few. The sun was still shining brightly outside, and Zach wrapped his arm around my neck.

"Hey Derek wants to know if you want to come hang?"

"Who's he with?"



"Hey I can tell him go fuck himself and hang up."


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