Chapter 97- Rescue Party

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Rick sprinted like a crazy man, running to the woman like it was life or death. Carl followed behind quickly and I stood with Daryl, in awe.

Rick eliminated the walkers that surrounded the woman that had fainted only seconds before.

Rick slung the woman over his shoulders and Carl grabbed the basket. They ran back into the Prison yard while Carol rushed to close the gate.

We moved as a pack into the Prison common room, Rick laid the women down gently and her eyes flew open.

Rick demanded the woman's name but she remained silent. Rick ushered us out of the common room and into the cell block, locking the woman behind.

Rick said nothing about the woman, he seemed more interested to find out whats been happening the past few days.

Carol and Rick chatted for a bit, catching up on what had happened over the short period of time.

"She 'members." Daryl muttered to the two as they had a break of silence. Rick turned to me and stared at me with hopeful eyes.

"What do you remember?" He asked,

"Everything." I said in a hushed tone. Rick nodded and a warm smile covered his face.

I glanced at the katana woman and my eyes flickered to the baby formula. "Oh my god!" I shouted, running over to the woman.

"Maggie and Glenn! This must have been theirs! Where are they?!" I shouted at the woman.

The woman remained silent, her cold expression staying the same. She gave a slight nod before crossing her arms.

"What happened?" I begged, fear consuming my thoughts.

"They were kidnapped. By a town of seventy five called Woodbury." She paused and her eyes stared into mine. "Run by this guy, call's himself the Governor. Pretty boy, charming. Jim Jones type." She continued.

"We have to get them." I shouted at our group, anger consuming my thoughts.

Rick nodded and stepped beside me. "How do we get to this 'Woodbury'." Rick said, spitting out the word woodbury.

I blinked rapidly, trying to control my breathing. Woodbury, the Governor. Glenn and Maggie were kidnapped by the people that I had left.

This was not okay, these people or at least the Governor was a sick person. You don't keep fish tanks filled with heads!

"I can help you get in." The woman offered, staring at Rick then to me. Rick looked at the group before nodding.

"We're in." Rick said with no hesitation.

The next hour was filled with preparations. Michonne, the woman we found was to accompany us to Woodbury.

Along with Daryl, Rick, Oscar and I. I was hesitant when Daryl offered to join the rescue team. I was horrified that he would get captured or killed, especially after his near death experience.

After all he only woke up a while ago. For all we knew he could collapse at any second but Daryl's decision was rock hard.

There was no preventing Daryl from going. As I soon found out while we loaded a car with weapons.

Carl and Rick had a quick talk while the rest of us pilled into a car. I was squished into the window seat with Daryl leaning on me, avoiding contact with Oscar.

Daryl seemed very uneasy around the prisoners, if only one prisoner could make our group shatter than any other man could do it as well.

Rick climbed in and soon we were racing down the road to Woodbury to rescue Maggie and Glenn.

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