Chapter 85- The Man With The Crossbow

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"What if she never wakes up?" A female voice shouted.

"She's fine, she just blacked out." A old mans voice said.

My eyes fluttered open and I stared around me. Unfamiliar faces filled the room. I rubbed my head and arms wrapped around me. The touch was comforting, but I felt awkward so I shoved them away.

A handsome man stood in front of me, a crossbow on his back. "Who are you?" I yelled defensively.

His blue eyes sparkled with confusion and I started to panic. I had no idea where I was and what had happened. "Mariah?" A blonde female said, her hand was gone and in replace was a makeshift bayonet.

"What happened?" I asked pointing to her hand.

"Mariah, its me." She said again.

"Who's Mariah?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the girl. The girl's lower lip quivered and her eyes started to tear.

Why was this girl crying for me? I didn't even know who she was.

An old man on crutches hobbled over to me and looked into my eyes. I felt awkward holding his stare so I looked away.

It seemed as if we were in a Prison, since there were bars on the windows but where were the guards? And what had I done to get thrown in here?

The old man sighed and turned to face the people in front of me. I sat up on the table I was laying on and looked around.

"She has amnesia." The old man said. I tilted my head and stared at the man with the crossbow.

I wanted to run to him, but I had no idea who he was. Why did I have the feeling of comfort when I looked at him. It made no sense.

"What's going on!" I shouted, rubbing my temples. The man with the crossbow walked over and put his hands on both sides of my shoulders.

"Mer? Ya don't member me?" The man said. I bit my lip an studied his face.

"You seem familiar, I just can't put my finger on it." I said sadly.

The mans eyes filled with sadness, he moved over to a man with brown curly hair and a little boy with a sheriffs hat on.

A tall cute guy stepped towards me, his long blonde shaggy hair hiding his eyes.

"Mariah? Its me Jason." The man, or Jason said. I frowned and looked to the ground.

I felt bad for not remembering, I mean these people seemed to care about me and I couldn't even remember who they were.

"How do we get her back?!" The blonde girl asked frantically. The old man sighed and looked at the girl.

"There isn't much we can do. This is one of those things that nature has to take its course." The old man said.

"Can I get a minute with 'er? Maybe I can help." The man with the crossbow said.

"Of course Daryl, take her outside." The curly brunette said. The man with the crossbow nodded and stepped towards me.

"Follow me." He said quietly. I nodded slowly and got off the table. My head pounded as I followed the man throughout the dim hallways.

He stayed quiet the entire way. We got outside and the smell of rotting flesh filled my nostrils. I coughed and looked beside me. A pile of bodies sat in a pile, the stench made me want to gage.

"W-why are there bodies?" I stuttered looking at the pile. The man sat me down on the steps and he paced back and fourth in front of me.

"Are you just going to walk?" I asked, boredom setting in. The man stopped, turned, faced me and studied my face.

"Mariah. That's your name. Daryl, thats my name." He said. His name flashed through my mind.

Several memories fluttered through. Sharing a tent, sharing a bed, then a soft kiss. I stared at Daryl wide eyed. "Do, do I love you?" I asked hopefully. He relaxed a bit and stepped closer.

"I hope so." He muttered. I smiled but quickly got rid of it.

"I remember, sleeping with you." I said awkwardly.

Daryl chuckled and I blushed. "NO! Not like that!" I yelled. He howled with laughter at the red shade on my face.

"Come on Mer. Ya gotta remember." Daryl said. I frowned and looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry Daryl, I can't remember."

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now