Chapter 92- Keep Hope Alive

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"Get up." He growled. I followed his orders as silent tears fell down my face.

"Move." He ordered, shoving me with the gun. I walked forwards and glanced around the room.

My knife laid near Jasons body. I took one last look and quickly tucked the knife into my boot while the man wasn't looking.

"Go!" He urged, shoving me forewords. We walked through the Prison, the siren blared in my ears.

It made me cringe, the alarm getting louder and louder as we went. The man opened a door and shoved me through.

It looked like the control centre for the Prison, there seemed to be several generators too.

"Can you shut of the siren?" I yelled to the man. He scowled and clicked a bullet into the chamber of the gun.

"Don't move." He ordered. I froze as he kept the gun pointed at me. He circled around me and moved my hands behind my back.

He pushed the gun to my head while he started to tie my wrists. He took the gun away after a moment then tied my ankles.

He threw a gage into my mouth and kicked me to the ground so I was laying sideways, my face looking at the door in front.

I was surprised to hear foot steps storming down the hallway, voices shouted and moved in our direction.

A second later Rick and a prisoner emerged from the doors. Rick stared at the man then at me.

His eyes stayed on the man and I looked at the prisoner. He seemed so conflicted, to help his fellow prisoner or help us.

"Don't move." The man from behind me said. "Drop your weapons." The man ordered again.

Rick nodded and dropped his gun to the ground. "Come on Oscar." The man from behind me said.

The prisoner known as Oscar shook his head and clutched the lead pipe he had fiercely.

"Fine by me." The man from behind said, he loaded the gun and I looked to Rick.

Without notice Rick ran forward and knocked the man off his feat, the bullet he was going to shoot, went flying across the room threw the window. .

I needed to get up and help, but my mind wouldn't cooperate with my body. The gun the prisoner had flung across the room and Oscar bent down to pick up Ricks gun.

He stared at me before pointing the gun at the two men. They both stopped when they saw the gun pointed at them.

"Come on man! Kill him!" The man shouted at Oscar.

Oscar licked his lips and his eyes were filled with conflict. Does he go with the in-mate that he knew? Or the strangers that treated him like garbage?

Oscar moved then gun slightly and aimed at the other man. The gun shot sounded and the other man fell to his knees.

He slumped to the ground and Oscar handed Rick his gun back. Rick nodded and quickly shut of the alarm before he bent down.

He pulled the gage out of my mouth then undid my hands as Oscar undid my feet.

I started to cry, not from the near death experience. No, I cried for Jason.

A part of me wished that the man would have shot me, ended my life so I could be with Jason and my parents.

Another part of me wanted to fight, to keep hope alive. Like Rick had done for us so often.

Rick helped me stand up. "You okay." Rick ask, relief coming through clear.

I continued to cry, ignoring Ricks question. "Mariah?" He asked.

I tried to say his name but I couldn't do it "J-J-J...." I stuttered out before breaking into sobs.

Rick bent down and picked me up. He cradled me in his arms carefully as I let my tears stain his shirt.

I was grateful that he carried me, because I honestly believed I wouldn't be able to carry myself.

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon