Chapter 2- Memorabilia

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I started panicking and frantically looked around my bag. Jason looked over and began to howl with laughter like the ass he was.

"Jason give it here, that's not funny!" I cried.

He reluctantly handed over the necklace and I hung it around my neck before twirling the pendant on it's chain. I quickly tucked it under my shirt and closed my bag.

Jason let out a sad chuckle. "I feel bad that I never met your mother..." He started.

I turned angrily and stared daggers at his saddened expression. "Drop it Jay, you know I hate the subject."

He shrugged and looked down at my fathers wrist watch. My dad gave us all something to remember him by when he got bit. He gave Jason his watch, me my mothers necklace and Taylor his medal of honor. I was a little jealous of Taylor at first since she got one of his most prized possessions.

My father realized that and told me the story behind his knife that he had given me, the one I got for my twentieth birthday. He told me how it's saved his life more than once, and that hopefully it would return the favour to me.

I cracked up a little at the memory and quickly strapped the knife to my hip. I stood up and climbed down below to take a small walk.

Jason poked his head out from above.
"Whatcha doing?" Jason called out jokingly.

I looked around on the floor looking for anything of use. "Nothing, just looking around." I looked up and he narrowed his eyes.

Jason had trust issues with everything and everyone, it had started when they first began to live with us. It hasn't stopped ever since.

He shrugged and returned to fiddling with his watch, even though I could feel him looking at me from the corner of his eye.

I ducked around the corner of the container and peered into the warehouse. Sure enough Taylor was running around full speed, laughing and killing with her arrows. It was her only way of taking off steam. I noticed a blue item jiggling on her back and noticed a medicine bag decorated with a white cross bouncing up and down with her steps. She turned suddenly and ran straight at me, motioning for me to get ready for the corpses I nodded.

"JASON, GET READY!" I shouted. He quickly climbed down and took his knives out.

I barely had enough time to unsheathe my ninjato's before Taylor burst through the door panting and laughing.

"CLEAR!" She called and ran to take cover behind the containers. I turned back to the task at hand.

Jason had already started to throw his knives. A corpse stalked over to me, it was clearly a female since she wore a hot pink dress and had long blonde hair coated with muck. I swung my sword and chopped the corpse in two before I turned my attention to another freak that was attacking Jason.

I quickly shoved my sword through its head and it fell to the ground in front if him. "Thanks." he mumbled and turned to attack another corpse.

We were finally down to our last one, an old female corpse. I sighed as I shoved the sword through her head making her moans cease. Something grabbed my ankle and I cried out. I tried to shake it off but it wouldn't budge.

I tried to swing at it with my sword and missed. Jason just laughed as he swiftly threw an knife and it embedded itself in the corpses head. I made a sound of disgust as I wriggled my foot out from under it's grasp.

"Stupid dead thing." I muttered under my breath.

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