Game On!

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to heyitsfabgurl. I used her character idea in this chapter so thank you. I'm still accepting more too. You can even make more than one! ~Peighton

The shower, however, didn’t last long so I got out and changed while still in thought.  It was then and only then that I noticed a different smell in the house. I shrugged and put away my  toiletries bag before going downstairs. I found everyone in the living room crowded around another vampire. She had coffee brown hair like mine but hers was more wavy and she wasn’t much taller than me, maybe 3 inches. She had gold eyes so I knew that she was safe but I still kept my distance. When she looked at me, she smiled and walked over to give me a hug. It was one of those hugs where one person thinks it is friendly but the other person just thought it was an awkward moment. I was the one that thought it was an awkward moment.

Just because I was curious, I changed her eyes back to their human color. I got lost in the blue because they looked so much like a tropical ocean with clear blue waters. If you looked very close you could see specks of green and dark red. Her eyes were amazing and I loved them! I wish I had those color eyes.

After our awkward moment and the eye change, Carmen  started the introductions.

“Bella, this is our cousin Jerissabell. She came to visit for a few weeks.”

“Cool. I’m Bella. And I live here for right now.” I said as I stuck out my hand.

She took it and shook. “ It’s nice to meet you. I’m glad to finally put a face to the name. I’ve heard a lot about you. From here and the Cullens.”

“They talk about me? The Cullens I mean.”  I asked with astonishment in my voice.

“Yeah. Especially Edward. He really loves you. We were all excited when he found you. Then something happened and he stopped talking about you. All he said was that it ended.”

“He left me. He told me that he didn’t want me. I was human at the time so I tried to run after him but I ran into a nomad and he changed me. This was all around 20 years ago.” I said trying to keep my voice from faltering.

She gave me another hug and I took comfort from it this. I almost cried but I snapped back together and pulled out of the hug.

“Oh my gosh. No wonder he wouldn’t talk to us about you, his family said that he said that you didn’t want to be with him and that’s why they moved. He felt guilty.” She said with a sympathetic look.

“Yeah. We got back together about a month ago but he started flirting with a girl at school. Then he over reacted when I went on a hunting trip by myself. I then left and went back to the Volturi.Basically, it’s just a ton of drama. He’s back in town you know.” I said.

“No way! I’m going to go kick his tiny little ass. Mates aren’t supposed to hurt each other and he just crossed that line.” She said with a determined look. I laughed out loud at this and I saw everyone else  crack a smile.

“It’s okay. I have a plan and now that you’re here, you get to help.” I said with a devious smile on my face.

We have school today and Jerissabell is coming with us as my twin sister because we look a lot alike.  We walked into class together because we had called the school and made sure that we had the exact same schedule. We walked from class to class without seeing Edward but his car was in the parking lot and his scent was fresh in the air so we knew that he was here.

Lunch came and this was my first period with Edward so I walked in and changed myself into my human form. Jerissabell wanted to be human too so we both walked in with blood flowing through our veins. We got some stares because we were still inhumanly beautiful but we had some blush to our cheeks now.

I know that Edward saw us because I could feel his eyes on my back as I got my food. I dropped my apple when it rolled off my tray. How ironic.  Only this time, nobody caught it and put it back on my tray. It seems that with blood comes clumsiness in my case.

I walked over to the table where everyone else was already sitting. I could still feel his eyes boring into my back and spreading tingles through me. I just ignored it and ate while Jerissabell put the first part of our plan into action. She walked up to Edward and tapped his shoulder. He turned and gave her a dazzling smile. He got up, shoving Taylor effectively off his lap, and gave Jerissabell a hug. Taylor just sat there fuming. You could practically see the steam coming out of her ears. She looked like she was about to kill Jerissabell put we all know that ,with me in the room, she wouldn’t be able too.

The final bell rang for lunch and Jerissabell was playing her part well. Edward doesn’t know that I know Jerissabell because she went straight over to Edward’s table. They walked to the next class together with Taylor holding Edward’s hand as they went to class. Apparently in my absence, Taylor had gotten her schedule rearranged to fit Edward’s perfectly so we get Miss Steal your Boyfriend in our afternoon classes. Great!!!! Note the sarcasm.

What did you think? Let me know! ~ Peighton

Why Did You Leave Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora