My Safety

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"Violet!" I hear my name being called from the other end of the room. I turn my head in a way that just shows my annoyance from being interrupted from my moment with the guys. I see a large man with a shirt that is tight enough to show his muscles, but either way it annoys me. He then storms towards me, knocking over chairs on his way before he puts his grubby hands on my shoulders.
"We're leaving now." He states sternly. I look up at his in confusion and stand up, smacking his hands off me in annoyance.
"Who are you and who said you can tell me what to do? I'm Shane's fiancé and future co-leader of this compound. So, if you would like to explain yourself then maybe I'll let you keep your life in here." I state in a stern and threatening manner.
"I was actually hired by Shane to protect you ma'am and this area does not seem fit for someone like you." The man tells me in a very deep, stern voice that annoys me even more.
"I don't know why he hired you, but I am relieving you of your duties from guarding me. So, get out and leave me the fuck alone!" I shout at him in response. I then feel a hand on my wrist and glance down to see Mark.
"It isn't good for the baby if you have a lot of stress and yell." Mark states in a hushed voice as he rubs my wrist lovingly.
"Okay. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to let myself be told what to do, you know that." I say sternly, looking down at Mark and then turning back to face this "bodyguard".
"I can not simply be relieved of my duties, I am taking you out of here and back to the mansion where I know that you will actually be safe." The man demands, grabbing my arm and trying to pull me towards him. However, I am not going to deal with that crap. I pull my arm away and slap his face angrily.
"I can take care of myself and, for your information, I spent about a year with these people outside the walls and so if I'm safe anywhere in this place, it is with these guys. So you can march your happy ass over to Shane and tell him that." I snap at him in a tone that just shows my annoyance.
"I'm not going to explain the situation to him. I was hired to take you back to the mansion, so that's what I'm going to do whether I have your permission or not." He states as he wraps his arm around my waist and picks me up, putting me over his shoulder.
"What are you doing? Put me down!" I scream, beginning to pound my fists into his shoulders and kick near his chest.
"Hey, sir, she is five months pregnant and that action can damage her. Please set her down, I'm sure we can talk this over more civil." Jack says, just trying to stop this man before he starts.
"I doubt she will come with me if we do that." The gaurd responds in a slightly angered tone.
"Just let me talk with her, I promise that she will go with you, just give me a chance." Jack says calmly. I feel my legs slowly reach back down to the ground and the arm goes off of me, finally.
"Wait outside, I'm not going to get killed in five minutes." I say angrily.
"If you're not out in exactly five minutes I'm coming back." He states as he starts walking out of the pub and in the outside world away from me.
"You need to try to calm down alright?" Jack says, grabbing my hands in his carefully.
"That's kinda hard when some random guys is picking you up and trying to carry you back home." I say in a slightly snappy tone, even though I don't mean it to be, but I can't help my emotions right now.
"Hey, you can be hard to work with if you don't know the person. But that doesn't make you a bad person at all, it just means that you need to give this a chance and talk to Shane." Jack says calmly, running his fingers over mine as a way to calm me too. I take in a deep breath and nod in agreement.
"Okay." I answer, moving my eyes from gazing at the floor to stare at Jack awaiting his response.
"Okay, then let's go see what he wants and you can talk with Shane." Jack says, giving me a comforting smile.
"Hey, should we go too?" Wade questions before we leave.
"No, I won't ruin your fun, just stay here and we'll be back once I'm done with this." I respond.
"Okay, if you need us you know where we'll be." Wade says with a nod. I nod back and then turn to Jack who stares at me with a small smile that other people wouldn't notice, but I do.
"What?" I ask with a small laugh at his action.
"Nothing, I was just looking at something beautiful." Jack says, tearing his eyes away from me and beginning to walk towards the exit. I giggle quietly at his comment, sometimes Jack really is too sweet. We walk outside and I see the bodyguard standing with his arms crossed and leaning on the wall.
"Ready to go?" He questions as he stands normally and let's his arms hang by his sides now.
"Yeah, let's go." I respond in a slightly emotionless voice that I don't normally use. The man walks in front of Jack and I and starts leading us towards Shane's mansion.
"Hey, are you okay?" I hear Jack whisper in a slightly concerned tone.
"Yeah, why?" I respond, furrowing my eyebrows slightly.
"I don't know, you just seem stressed." Jack explains.
"I am stressed, I have a lot going on." I state with a slight shrug of my shoulders.
"I know, but you know that I'm always here for you if you need me." Jack says with a sweet smile.
"If I need you..." I chuckle at his comment.
"What?" Jack chuckles back.
"When don't I need you?" I question rhetorically. Jack just giggles and wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling my closer.
"You're amazing, you know that, right?" Jack whispers lovingly.
"Sure." Is all I can manage to respond with before we arrive at the police office.
"Here we are miss." The gaurd states, leaning on the wall once more.
"I thought we were going to his home, not his office." Jack says in a slightly confused tone.
"This is where he is, so if she wishes to talk with him, then go inside and talk to him." The gaurd says as he starts toying with his fingernails and teeth.
"Fine. I'll go talk to him." I say and Jack takes his arm off me to allow me to go. I start towards the door and see that Jack follows. I sigh and stop to face Jack.
"I need to talk to him alone, sorry. I don't want to drag you into my tantrum too much." I say with a slight nervous laugh escaping my mouth.
"Okay. I'll wait out here then." Jack says, backing away from me a few steps kindly.
"Thanks, I won't be long." I tell him before I walk inside.

I walk into Shane's office without any care in what he may think. I'm not afraid of him like a lot of people are, that may be why he accepts me so much more than he does with others. I take my seat across from him and put my legs up on his desk as a way of catching his attention better. I then cross my arms over my chest and sigh before bringing my eyes up to face him.
"What do you need?" He questions casually, still scribbling on some documents that look important.
"Why do I have a bodyguard?" I question in a slightly annoyed tone.
"I hired him to protect you, you have a bad habit of being reckless when you don't need to be." Shane explains, only glancing up from his papers in the middle of his statement.
"I can protect myself, and I was just hanging out with the guys and he said that I wasn't safe there either. At least tell him that I can hang out with my friends. I was actually having fun today..." I mumble like a kid throwing a temper tantrum.
"You can hang out with your friends, I'm not stopping you from that. All I want is for you to be safe, I'm not sure that you're used to the fame that you have around here. At least not yet." Shane trails off and stares at his papers, reading them in detail.
"What do you mean?" I question, taking my legs off his desk and onto the floor in front of me.
"People in this compound have few things that they remember as normal. And chasing people that they recognize as famous is definitely one of them. You need to learn that and know how to deal with crazed fans, and right now I think that having a bodyguard for this reason is not a bad thing." Shane explains, setting down his pen to look at me.
"I can protect myself. So fire this guy and let me do that, and if you say that I have to learn how to deal with it, then let me learn. I'm not going to learn anything if this guy just takes me away from it every time. I'll also seem like a huge bitch to everyone else if I do that. So, please just fire this guy and let me deal with my own safety." I say, sitting tall and strait in my chair as a way to show my strength. Shane stares at me for a moment and sighs before he nods lightly.
"Okay. Fine. You are now in charge of your own safety. Please give the guard this when you see him next." Shane says as he grabs a piece of paper from his desk and signs it before handing it to me. I examine it and smile lightly at it before shoving it in my pocket.
"Thank you. I'll wee you later." I say as I get up from my seat and walk out of the building with a certainty that I don't usually have, but I enjoy it. I walk outside and see Jack and the guard just standing there not saying a word to one another.
"Here." I say as I pull out the slip of paper and hand it to the guard. His eyes trace it nervously and then rage goes in his face.
"What is this?" He snaps angirly.
"You're fired on orders strait from my husband, Shane. So get out of here and find a new job, because this one doesn't need you anymore." I say, almost spitting the words at him when I speak. The man scoffs before spinning around and walking away from us.
"Now, let's head back to the pub." I say, turning back to face Jack. He has a look of shock and he shakes his head lightly.
"What's wrong?" I question in a worry that has now come over me.
"It's nothing. I'm just not feeling drinking right now, so I'm gonna head home." Jack says, walking passed me towards his home. I go after him and put my hand on his shoulder and he stops.
"Hey, what happened?" I ask, turning Jack around to face me.
"Nothing, I just want to go home." Jack responds.

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