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~*Violet's POV*~

I lie on my old couch, running my fingers through my hair and letting my legs hang off the edge.
"So... That's why he sent us money then?" Wade questions me. I nod lightly and let my eyes stay closed in a relaxed way.
"Oh, we didn't really know why, but we'll go shopping later." Wade informs me. I nod again lightly and yawn.
"Good." I reply calmly as I stretch my arms above my head.
"So what are all you kids up to?" I hear Bob say with a small chuckle.
"Relaxing, while I can anyways." I mumble in response with another yawn.
"And that money that was shipped here is for all of us to get tuxes for the wedding." Wade adds.
"Okay, cool." Bob says. I then hear the clang of pots and pans in the kitchen and a large cracking noise as if glass was broken.
"Oops... Sorry." Mark says from the kitchen. I open my eyes only to roll them in annoyance.
"Which ones did you break?" I question, sitting up on the couch, leaning on my elbows.
"The fancy silver ones... But two are still okay." Mark responds. I roll my eyes and sigh heavily.
"But those were my favorites..." I mumble in disappointment.
"I know, I'm sorry..." Mark responds and I hear him picking up the shards of broken glass. This action is almost the same as that night... When he knocked over my flower vase and I broke his heart. Even the memory makes me sad, but it was the right thing to do. I know it, but I still hate just memories of Mark being sad because of me. I blink a few times to get the memory out of my mind and I lay my head back down, closing my eyes once more.

I walk down the hall towards Shane's office in a lazy manner, just wandering. I get to the door, it's closed of course. Shane has habit of never leaving it open. I twist the knob and push the door to open, allowing myself an entreance I'm not sure why, but I just want to. I walk inside and sit on the normal size of the desk, the side that Shane never sits on. I then grab a small, cream colored slip of paper and slide it towards myself. On the slip it reads, 'You're invited to the wedding, hope to see you there'. I smile at the memory, Shane and I made that card special for our wedding invitations.
"Hey, Violet, come here!" I here a voice from outside the room shout at me. I put the slip of paper down on the desk and push myself to my feet. I walk down the hall, slowly making my way towards the voice that had called me.
"Yes, who's there?" I question politely as I turn the corner so I face the large staircase. Although, someone stands near the bottom, their back faces to me.
"Who might you be, sir?" I question in my same polite tone, taking very short steps towards him still.
"Oh, you already know me darling." The man answers with a laugh that I recognize, but I can't seem to place it.
"Remind me then." I state, stopping in my tracks just below the steps.
"Alright... As you wish..." He chuckles, slowly turning to face me. I recognize him instantly. My old kidnapper stands on the steps, staring down at me with a wicked smile that he had the first day I saw him.
"Get away Carter. Get out of my house!" I shout, nervousness piling up inside me just at the sight of him.
"But Violet, I haven't done anything." He responds, slowly taking steps towards me.
"Oh, you've done enough." I scoff in annoyance. "So, like I said, get out of my house!" I shout again.
"What if I don't? What will you do then?" Carter questions me, taking another agonizingly slow step down towards me.
"You don't want to know, so just get out of my house and my life! I don't want you here, I'm safe here!" I shout as tears finally come to my eyes like I knew they would... Just showing my weak state that has always been there.
"Do you really believe that?" Carter questions me in an annoying and cocky tone.
"Yes! So get out! Or I will get out and make myself safe again!" I shout, closing my eyes in an attempt to stop my tears.

I jolt upright in the couch with tears staining my cheeks and deep breathes coming from inside my lungs.
"Hey, hey, hey... What's wrong? What happened?" Mark questions me with his hand on my shoulder and his face next to mine. I attach my arms to Marks neck, pulling myself towards him. I then begin sobbing into his shoulder, letting myself forget everything else except him. I hate the nightmares I have, after all, most are memories that I just hope to forget. Mark runs his fingers over my back and through my hair in hopes to soften my cries.
"Shh, shh, hey, it's over now... You're okay now... I'm here, I gotcha, you don't need to worry now..." Mark whispers in my ear through my sobs. I clench my fists around his shirt, as if that would sooth me more. I take in a few deep breathes,calming myself further. My grip on Mark doesn't waver one bit as more tears slide down my cheeks.
"Shh, you're okay... I promise that you're okay... As long as I'm here, you'll me okay, I'll make sure of that..." Mark whispers soothingly. More tears pour out of my eyes and I continue to breath heavily, still trying to forget all the memories from my dream.
"I... I... Th-thank you..." I stutter through my slowly dying sobs.
"Oh, oh, oh... Shh, don't thank me, not now. Just lay here and relax for a bit, don't thank me... I didn't do anything worth thanking, I never did." Mark whispers comfortingly, holding me tightly with his fingers going through my hair soothingly. I shake my head as well as I can and take in a staggering breath. My grip on Mark loosens slightly as I slowly drag myself away from his shoulder and actually make myself face him.
"Don't ever say that." I tell him with a light sniffle, finishing my sobs finally.
"Just stop, are you okay now?" Mark questions me, changing the topic entirely, his hand on my cheek, rubbing it soothingly.
"I'm fine, but you need to remember what you've done for me. Because you saying that you don't deserve it or whatever isn't true at-"
"Stop." Mark interrupts me, putting a finger over my lips to stop my talking.  "You... Never mind, if you're okay then I'm going back to bed. If you need me then get me, goodnight." He says as he stands, sliding his hands off me as he walks away back to his room. I sigh and watch Marks every step until he is safely back in his room. I glance at a window that is behind me and see dim street lamps shining and the moon staring at me from above. I love nights here, that's the one thing I truly miss about living here.

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